Post Reddit tier trash

Post Reddit tier trash



reddit-tier flick

Dude Mr.Robot is Sup Forums tier not reddit

Mr robot is about anonymous and you even see that Mr. Robot uses Sup Forums in one of the first episodes.

I really hope season 2 get's good, that was a weak opener for season 2. It was clearly just establishing where the characters are at but was so slow and unnecessary, they could've achieved everything they did in those 2 hours in half an hour.

I like that they're turning Elliot's plot into a Dexter rip-off.
>FBI onto him
>literally muh dark passenger
Hopefully they can get it right.

I hate the other plotlines they have going, especially the social justice squad

reddit-tier shit

Every one says it's good, but even if I weren't already wary of internet recommendatuons because of the fury road shitfest, I seriously can't get past how terrible that picture is. I don't know what it is about that photo. It's like a train wreck. I can't even look away.

Jesus I hate him so fucking much.

pics unrelated