Spoopy Weekend League Edition
Eternal /fifa/ thread
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>mfw scoring goals for days with spooky muller
And you were hating on him earlier in the week too
I glitched 4 drafts in about 2 hours today, shit was boring as fuck but good-ish money
>Buffon, Bellerin, Mustafi, Barzagli
To be fair I was using him in a two striker formation and he also didn't have these stats at the time lel
I've done 3 and got fuck all, Rui Patricio was the best
Even when you aren't spending coins, you feel cheated by packs
I hope all you faggots get a ban
I've managed to complete one draft game legitimately in the past 3 days, literally don't give a fuck anymore. It's unplayable on PS4
People are getting ridiculous now.
Bought some Botias the other day for 350 each, and some silver greeks for 200 each.
yesterday the silvers sold for 3k each
now Botia is selling for 4.5k each
How is Vardy lads? Do his H/H workrates affect him making runs and his positioning at all?
Get Rashford and put hunter card on him, saved you 40k
>not sniper to give him 95 dribbling
You don't need a hunter card on somebody who already has 91 pace
Spoken like somebody that doesn't dab after each goal and watch every replay.
My stats with him say otherwise desu
200k spare coins, whatr do? What to invest in?
I wait all week to play in the weekend league and then its a pain in the ass.
Rate my turklig team lads
A dildo up your fucking ass. 200k is fuck all. :)
rude, im just a simple lad trying to make a few coins
>He thinks workrates matter
Are you having input delay on weekend league too Macedonia?
Park the bus from minute 1 ffs what the fuck is wrong with ea
Here's some faggot sending me message. I beat him 1-0
>"poor slow ultra defence pussy noob cunt hahah"
>"hahahah and timewasting hahah fifa is your life hahahha cunt"
>"mate sseriously its a game try harder at getting a job and moving out your mums pussy hahah"
>me -" :) "
>"pussy something riding JSA living at your mums? i wouldnt be smiling hahah cunt"
fucking hilarious and reporting him
rank my poor life decisions la
ooh hadaway and shite, right, I'm off to sunlessland
negros, >being so dumb you post video game generals in a sports board
Coming from the country where negroes are caught on camera acting like monkeys and looting...
What Maruqee Matchups are coming up lads?
>walk out
>oh my
>probably gonna be some shitter again
>it's german
>it's Bayern
>it's boating
>he doesn't sell and I put him up as lowest BIN, now been undercutted 3 times in past 10 mins
th-thanks EA
when will spooky cards be at their lowest? might get CAM Payet.
Daily reminder
>the CANADIAN AUTIST named steven whos gamertag is stEveNf who also lost an online match 3-0 to the American spends $680 within one week of every fifa to buy the exact same team he used last year
What an AUTIST! Pic related
>play first match of Weekend League
>full quarter second delay on every input from my controller
fuck. off. e. a. fix. your. fucking. shit.
it's literally fucking unplayable. not in a hyperbolic way at all. it is impossible to play. i just forfeited a match because there's no way in hell i'm going to waste my time on attempting to slog my way through that guaranteed loss.
The canadian autists been up sinc3 7AM playing weekend league, hes better than you.
Don't mind him, he is an autist who can't stand football for some reason.
Any1 Get the "Important notice Warning"?
>its a spic thinks hes a human episode
I laughed.
>2 mil coins
>no desire to play the game at all
Why would anyone play this broken trash game when bf1 is out ?
how is it? tempted to buy 2bh.
Like bf4 and COD5 together
>pacebabby cb's
>everyone else slow and shit
Stanciu looks nice thou
Rooney as a cm is great. He runs around for 90 minutes making some great tackles and makes some great passes and blooters too. Payet on 3 chem isn't the greatest idea though. How can I replace him ?
hmmmm, haven't played in a minute. might buy in a few weeks. the good reviews have been rolling in and i can't ignore them.
Amazing blog post. An jmprovement would be selling your entire team and making this though.
>One league teams
will this meme ever end ?
Dang what a boring team, no creative players and great passers in the midfield either. I'm done with 433 by the way.
2-league team ;)
Giroo IF incoming?
Am I the only one who goes for an ankle breaker when they see pooney in someone's team?
4231 is GOAT
Use the 4231(2) with wingers and switch in game for maximum rapeage
Hes great though. Can play anywhere. Strong, quick, great passer and can shoot
>2-league team
>3/11 players are from a different league
>Two of them are from the same team
Actually worse because you think this is a hybrid when you've just stuck two players from the same team and found a nationality link for your RB otherwise you'd just have used Sagna
>he needs to play the game EXACTLY as i say.
Autistic retard detected.
your team is for literal retards.
Filtering the netherlands now by the way.
Not after suarez and aguero hat trick later today.
>bought two girouds for 1k when he came on
>he's already gone up to 2.4k
easy dosh.
Care to explain why ?
Don't worry I'm not a 1-league bpl autist. I normally use hybrids that are actually hybrids.
1 league autist
Good post
Damn you're salty for some reason
I haven't yet seen a single decent FIFA17 squad posted in this general
Rate my friends meme-squad
That's because you're autistic
thats because people only tend to post 11 players instead of a whole squad
those that do are showing that they bronze bench
>using alex hunter instead of gareth walker
>premier league players
Stopped watching there, it sucks
The only good part about it is the formation, 5-2-1-2 is objectively the best
>playing park the bus
5 defenders are awful. Post a good squad then.
Defending is a part of the game
To be good it needs to be cheap, balanced and creative: with at least 4 leagues
>7 Brazilians
Wow so creative
This explains a lot
>72 passing CAM
>one striker with 70 shot
>a hundred Brazilians
lmao @ u, that squad is absolute shit.
>Non rares
>2 nations
>Cam under 80 passing
>No striker with 80 shooting
This squad is neither creative or balanced imo.
You're taking the piss, right ?
It ain't easy to make teams with no rare players, symetric workrates, balanced stats, no links wasted and at least 4 leagues
I rather make strong links with nationalities than using players from the same club
How did you guys figure out which formation you want to use? I don't want to pick something randomly, and switching formations sucks dick in FUT because of chemistry.
Right now, my approach is to test every formation in online seasons for up to 4 games and see how I like it. I rate the 4-1-4-1 so far, I like how it makes your wingers and CMs move but it's slow at attacking.
FUT isn't a creativity contest ffs, make a team that fits you and play with it.
First time here?
Play other modes before making your UT team and try all formations and playstyles there
that's the point that needs to understand, but instead he shits on everyone for lack of creativity when he can't even be creative and come up with a good squad himself. and he needs to realize that.
When you win +75% games you get bored, you need to play with handicap
In my case, I use only non-rares
post record.
After 10 seasons I've won 10 titles
futscope has been dead for over a year.
and even if you do need to "handicap" yourself, why shit on everyone else if they don't need/want that handicap?
Handicap for the opponents, I play with shitty squads so they stand a chance
You know what handicap means?
yes, but if people here need all the help they can get, why would they intentionally help their opponents?
you know what reading comprehension is?
You only get matched up against shitty South Americans. All the best players are European (and those Saudi cunts)
when autism meets autism
I get abusive messages when I lose, I get abusive messages when I win. I get people plugging their microphone in and shouting about how shit I am when I give away a lead.
I don't play PTB, 5atb, dab or shush, I skip replays, the usual things players moan about, I just want to have a fun game. I lose more than I win so it's not like I'm taking the piss out of anyone.
I understand someone trying to get in your head during a game but to spend the time to find the person you played and send them abuse when YOU WON, why?
The same for plugging your microphone in at the end of a game. Take the win and move on. You should be happy there are shit players to beat.
Friendly reminder that Fifa is a mental warfare and you need to gain every possible advantage. Therefore you should dab every time you score and make your opponent watch the replays.
That's not how the matchmaking works
Takes one to know, right Luuk?
Nice blog
Are people still glitching? Any bans or resets?
I might do it if there are no consequences.
>tfw poor
How do you get coins ?
By playing the game, even better if you win
It's been out for 10 days and still hasn't been patched (it's a really simple fix). EA doesn't give a shit. Go for it.
Meh, I don't have a single Spanish ancestor
by not being shit
With mummys credit card
whoa whoa m8, PES/FIFA is a basically a religion here, niggas here start playing at age 4
Play with your friends.