Would it have been kino if the Jews didn't fuck with it?
Would it have been kino if the Jews didn't fuck with it?
Nathaniel Moore
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Cameron Martin
No, the concept is the exact opposite of what Star Wars is supposed to be.
Ryder Cruz
What did you mean by that?
Carter Foster
>potentially the first Star Wars movie without a lightsaber duel
>Normandy beach battle with AT-ATs
>Donnie Motherfucking Yen
I'll be there on day one.
Jaxon Brown
Good vs Evil, Dark side vs Light side
Adrian Roberts
Anthony Ramirez
>First Star Wars without a lightsaber duel
>Still forcing in Vader slaughtering rebels with his laser sword
Jaxon Miller
Gotta put asses in the seats somehow.
Mason Gutierrez
Just to translate, they're gonna add a bunch of quips and possibly some american negro culture.
Isaiah Hill