ITT: Celebrity Encounters

ITT: Celebrity Encounters

I met Rooney Mara once at LegoLand. She was really dull.

She looks very dull.

She was probably just so enthralled by all the Lego

You don't know what it's like to have Autism. She probably has a rich world going on in her head but she just can't translate it to others.

> some 350 manlet tries to TALK to you while you're in an ACTUAL world of Lego?

You need professional help user.

Roo... roo?

I know you're lying because there is no damn way she'd be 'dull' at Lego land. She would be bouncing off the fucking walls with excitment.

Saw Denise Richards in Burbank, much shorter than I thought. And plainer. She thought I was coming on to her.

Saw Newman at a Fry's once, he had lost some weight, strangely looked like a manlet.
Saw Star Trek's O'Brien. Really tall dude.

The weirdest one is JJ Sulu, the korean Harold dude. I saw him at a Trader Joe's. He kept looking at me like he knew me. Said something to me, apparently he mistook me for someone else.

I saw Jack Black follow some cunny around at a Toys R Us.

Served Tarantino, Kurt Russell and Sam L Jackson on the rooftop bar at the cinema I work at. They chilled out there for around 30 mins. Was for a Q and A for Hateful 8. Got to chat to both, was pretty cool