Ask a 30yo virgin man who just kissed a girl for the first time anything

Ask a 30yo virgin man who just kissed a girl for the first time anything.

Your mum don't count

What item did you hit her over the head with first?

how old was she? 12?

is she still alive?

does she have a penis?

A soft kek

Do you really think anybody will believe you?

Idk if u dont I dont care
Not into wincest

So how'd it happen? Why'd it take so long?

Proud of you user! Everyone has that breakthrough eventually. Did she enjoy it/do you have mutual future plans for seeing one another?

teach me your ways

kissless virgin 32yo here

dammit OP, you will never earn your hat and wand now. YOU WERE SO CLOSE

Most probably meeting more times, we'll most probably get closer and who knows

I believe him. I am 29 and virgin but i was on a few dates (some girls wanted to go on a second date with me), i have kissed on a cheek by a girl and i don't get nervous while talking to women and i am not beta.


Not really hard, just go around and get out of your comfort zone. Meet new people and most probably you will fond your other half

How did it feel?

Bro it felt pretty good, worth trying

Kek. Totally worth it


She is 29

Also, she really enjoyed it

Well, just didnt found the right one b4