Anyone here do meth? I'm like 90% sure this is meth, what should I expect? Should I take all of it? Nose or mouth...

Anyone here do meth? I'm like 90% sure this is meth, what should I expect? Should I take all of it? Nose or mouth? Advice pls.

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I'm 100% sure that's MDMA tho.

Looks like maybe 0.3g tops

looks nasty asf, but if u need actual advice go to 420chan

The friend who gave it to me hasn't been sure if it's meth or Molly, is it actually Molly? How can you tell?

why tho

>How can you tell?
take it
look a lot like molly
but i dont know how meth looks, coz meth is for losers

Because meth that size would be more of a shard rather than a rock, be able to shine light through (but that can be achieved with good molly too). Also its yellow in the middle which is known as "champagne" molly.

Does it smell like saffron/candy? Does it taste like liqourice? Either fucking way just eat like half of it, if you feel love and you just wanna roll your eyes into the back of your head its mdma. If you feel extremely awake and with great euphoria it's meth.

Either way, not so fucking bad tbh.

Thats how MDMA looks

I'm guessing it's Molly cause that's what we've been speculating it as. What should I expect from this then? How much should I take?

Did u ever do molly ?

Weigh it you fucking noob jesus christ hate people like you.

150-200mg is good. That looks like tops 300mg so just take half then or little more than half then refill with the rest.

Here's another pic of the rock, I can't weigh it, no scale.

I think I did it once, either that or it was ketamine, snorted it on xan with a friend so I'm really not sure what the feeling was.

crush and drink it

Its small, its not alot maybe even 0.2g maximum 0.3 just thats if you are lucky.

Just fucking take it, crush it and eat it or crush it ALOT (until it becomes a white powder) and snort it the fuck you want us to do.

Here some music. Don't be a pussy and take it all its not much.

Can I just eat it whole? The powder tastes nasty. Why do I have to crush it and eat it?

Crush and drink it with soda or something. So u taste nothing

Okay. Not stalling or anything but why would I need to crush it? Is it easier to digest or something?

>It tastes nasty

Jesus fuck you have never done drugs have you fucking hell. Yeah fucking eat it whole then you lil' bitch gonna take longer to kick in fully tho.

powder absorbs into your bloodstream easier. if you eat the entire rock your body has to break the thing down. use your brain fucktard

So what I'm gonna do is smash it up and then mix it with a little bit of Coke (the drink) and then drink it. I'll tell you guys how it turns out.

Have fun
And don't forget to breathe when it hits you

100% not meth...unless it's some terrible brew that I've never seen. Take it from a guy that used to bang, snort, and/or smoke ice at least twice a week. Use at your own risk. I'd snort a VERY small dot to start, and take it from there.

Um... What does this mean? When should it hit me? I drank it at 5:45. Gonna go take a shower in a little.

dude just bomb it
roll 100mg into a rolling paper cut in half then close it up into a little parachute and swallow if no rolling paper then a bit of tissue would suffice

im like 90% sure that is not meth

also dont eat the whole fucking thing
the assholes here are trying to OD you
split it into 100mg dose then bomb it if this is your first time

Break it down with lemon juice and run it

Am I actually in danger? I took all of it so no going back now. People said it was kind of small looking. Should I go make myself puke? Took it 10 minutes ago. I'm in my home doing fine.

Don't do it bro drugs will fuck your life up

I don't know what you have there, if it's meth it's dirty as fuck

maybe re-crystallize it?
if it's MDMA you'll get it back minus impurities

That most certainly is not meth

the recommended dose to do at a time is 100-150mg every 2-3 hours - if i remember correctly


dont be scared. this will only make you freak out. youre doing fine. enjoy it

>OD you

Yeah nah, that's not even close to enough to OD that rock is fucking tiny.

looks like mdma too me

This is a meth

he shoudnt have done it 300mg at once
you need to split it into 1-2hur intervals or else you can get serotonin syndrome

Rip OP.

Nah you wont I've done 0.4-0.5 doses.

Did OD (shaking, didnt want to move, felt stoned but like stoned on E) on E pills once tho (160mg in each) but that was because today E pills are cut with RCs (or only contain RC) and shit today (MCPP for example) which will make it happen.

If you mix MDMA with other serotonin-related drugs it'll most likely end in a serotonin syndrome.

rip in pieces OP. press F to pay respects

OP you there?
you high as a kite and riding it theough?

No lol he's dead

Why do you want to do meth?

dude are you fucking serious
Sup Forums told you to take drugs and you just did it without checking

if you swallowed it, it was less than a gram, and it WAS MDMA you will be fine

based on the purity you could have taken a reasonable dose, or you could trip hard

it will take more than a half hour to kick in

has any vendor sold acid bloters with pepe engrained on it yet
id like to buy one for novelty sake

i was thinking the same thing
what kind of idiot comes here for drug dose advice instead of double checking it on drug forums
OP must be a special kind of retard

OP will be fine, and within half an hour he will be very, very fine.

Stop trying to scare him not a joke you'll be fine OP. Even if the dose was a little too much you'll def survive that rock was still small so you'll survive.

Probably won't be even a little too much since it's a small fucking rock

regardless it looks like some pure shit
he`s in for a doozy

like maybe he's trolling or something, IDK

pretty sure I wouldn't post photos of drugs here, I'm not even sure if Sup Forums scrubs exif
realistically the cops have better things to do, but it's bad karma

Oo here. Took at around 5:45, just took a shower. Feeling good as FUck. Idk how to explain it, just really nice. List being to Radiohead. Thanks for all the support guys.

Here's some proof for y'all. Same thumb as in the rock pic, see? Anyways I trust Sup Forums, like, when it comes to shit like this people are drip is, this site isn't some sort of criminal haven where people trick others into killing themselves anymore.

Anyways I'm feeling kind of nausepus but in a good(?) way??? I'm gonna go in my room and listen to music. I'll keep you guys updated.

Enjoy it user

Bad picture of me sorry. All these porn ads that I don't see on my PC are kind of intimidating. Weird old man stuff and Dick growing pills. Someone talk to me pls.

look at those fucking eyes

get out of here you beautiful man

I know meth like that back of my hand. It seems like it could be, I'd say mouth. Pop it if your inexpereinced. OR a bit a both? I hate meth myself everyone around my city shoots it

Here have another.
My face is starting to feel kind of hot, idk of its cause I just washed my hair or what.

Op here. I take my sweater off and I'm cold but I put it on and I'm wayy too hot. Is there anything to make me not so fucking cold/hot?

That's not meth, doesn't look like the meth I did at least.

Hayy just found a video on YouTube called dear white people by Netflie lets go troll the the comment section?

btw bro drink water every hour or so
keep hydrated and have fun#
listen to some Dark side of the moon whilst your at peak
youll love it

Have fun buddy

When is the peak gonna come? I took it an hour an 15 mins ago.

if your still coming up even better then
pop DSoTM and get even higher

never seen meth, but sure looks like MDMA to me

I took 300mg my first time, you should be fine. Been with friends who've done 700 - 800mg doses, although not all at once.

hey op, you're gonna feel hot, and you're gonna get some gurning. So remember to drink water every now and then, and try to find something to chew on.
also watch this, fucking amazing on mdma

don't try to jerk off, it's a waste of time

Biochemist fag here, its 100% deffo molly/MDMA/extacy, why? because that's exactly how tan MDMA made from Sasafrass oil looks

Thats not anywhere near enough to OD, coming from biochemist fag with a lot of mdma experience

even low quality meth does not look that dirty.
source; I did it for about 10 years.

Looks exactly like some bomb ass molly I had a couple years ago. user DO NOT take that whole thing. Just a sliver of that (if it is molly) will have you rollin. Thank me later, nigger

Its mdma with the usual impurities for 80%, you can't purify tan mdma made from sasafrass much further without proper lab equipment, the impurities are also just sasafrass oil so its not bad for you or anything

No where near enough to OD there

Don't take it unless you use a reagent test kit. Jesus fucking Christ, how stupid are drug users these days?

It is molly. Grind it up, wiegh it out, take 200mg.

its not meth. looks like 5-mapb

Evryone telling me not to take it ur efforts are in vain. It's too late. I took it and I'm feeling great.

OP give it like 45 minutes if you just swallowed it.

Also, watch out for nausea, higher doses can cause your stomach to churn. Make sure you are drinking water, especially if you throw up

Get some fucking tunes going and roll your face off. You rolled the dice and came out like a boss. I wouldn't try that shit again, but enjoy your night friend

You are a champ OP. But for real, be more careful next time man.

And if you haven't done molly before, don't be shocked if you feel like shit tomorrow. Those blue days can hit you like a motherfucker

In bed chilling listening to Royksopp. It's fun. Thanks for the advice evryone, it def wasn't meth. :))

Ima go enjoy my "roll" thabks evryone.