So Sup Forums i havent watched a single episode of Game of Thrones

So Sup Forums i havent watched a single episode of Game of Thrones

should i give it a shot? is it worth it?

or its just generic trash.

also, does somebody know where to watch it for free?

It's porn
You like porn.
You watch yes

I also haven't watched it. I hear you can find stuff for free on the internet though.
Have you tried the internet?

No it's fuckin gay as hell it only gets talked about so much coz every fag that posts on here is from reddit and is probably confused about there gender

From what I've heard, it's basically lots of rape and murder with some dragons and ice zombies.

You can always torrent it but hbo will be on your ass right away. Great show tho

not everyone on here is a dick loving faggot


it's themed porn. you can give a try if you have time.


Irregardless, it's pretty flustrating watching ppl butcher grammer like that. For all intensive purposes, your illiterate.

>or its just generic trash.
ya hit the nail on the head there buddy

that show is just some faggots fan fiction diary come to life