Are most grown men attracted to high school girls? Explain

Are most grown men attracted to high school girls? Explain.

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Hell yeah
No idea coz they so weak and inferior?

Yes OP

My answer is yes, but not because they're fucking weak or inferior. You're a weird guy.

My explanation is because they're tighter, usually more fit, searching for attention so the experience is usually A1, usually at a place in life where they either EXPLICITLY want a fuckbuddy or EXPLICITLY want a soulmate (easier to pick the right ones) etc etc.

There are downsides, too. Obviously. There are for older women, too.

are you fucking memeing?
> attracted to women in there prime
> no longer in prime

What's not to like?

Also I'd like to edit that I don't mean fresh high school girls, 16-19 is best to me.

Do male teachers fantasize about their students?

they're spoiled brats

Sorry man, you already admitted pedophilism. :/