Engineer at a nuclear power plan

Engineer at a nuclear power plan.
any questions?

What do you do for a living?

refer to post. mostly inspection

If you wanted to, could you blow it? Also, what state?


What's the most exciting thing that's happened on the job ? Any 3 eyed fish?

How long until the nuclear apocalypse?

not everything but i could cause plenty of problems if i wanted to

nah. but i did have to put on a safety suit and fix an exhaust valve once. sounds boring but pretty scary

What state?


How do you remove the suit contaminated with rad?

do you get to take home nuclear fuel?


can you take me for a tour so i can take photos papa homer?

somebody else does it very carefully while wearing another suit. safety is key


go home

How many heads do your children have?

explain the difference in real power and reactive power

one each

But how do you not get contaminated when the suit comes off? And who takes off his suit? Is it and endless cycle?!


its wattless


Have you ever fucked a goat?

So is nuclear a cleaner safer alternative to coal and oil? Also, powrsuits when?

its a dangerous job

what the fuck does that mean
im only asking because im on the market for a ups


Are you prior Navy?

(1/2): I've heard San Onofre Nuke site (between Orange and San Diego county) could take a direct hit from a 737. Do you think that is true?
(2/2) Why the fuck did they shut it down? Was it an overreaction to Fukushima (due to ocean), some extreme CA libfags used Fukishima as an excuse, or same thing but EPA?

its cleaner to the environment but not to those who actually work there


Im not sure what you want to know

Sup Jurg

Were you a navy nuke prior to going civvie side?


Hivemind. ELT here, 3 years left on contract as of today.

Standard or narrow gauge?

OP I dont work at a nuclear power plant i just wanted to see if Sup Forums would believe it lol


i dont understand the concept of wattless power

I'm not OP but am at Peach Bottom. On shift currently.


What's the green tube suppose to be in the opening credits?

What facility do you work at?
What are the security procedures to obtain access to your facility?
Are the guards at your facility armed? If so, what armaments do they use?
Please provide a map of the grounds, highlighting the location of security cameras.
When is your next NERC inspection?

That's what I figured. I was going to start picking your brain until I could call you out on your bullshit.

you got me. just wanted to have fun.
Anyone here know how nuclear power works?

no red flags here guys

How bad is the Fukushima disaster? Governments are like nbd, Alex Jones is like move to southern hemisphere evacuate west coast. what's the real skinny?


Its magic!!!

shut up, racist

What's the procedure for getting selected for ELT? Ask for it at prototype? Do they look at anything in particular when choosing ELTs? How would you say your quality of life compares to the regular nuke MMs?

i dunno bro im jut a normal dude

wuts an ELT?

What's in sector 7g?

OP are you at Peach? I'm on shift there currently. Security.

uranium put close together gets hot. heat boils water to steam. steam turns turbine. turbine spins magnets around coil of wire, creating flow of electrons you call electricity.

Shoot neutrons at fissile material
Material undergoes fission, releasing neutrons and fission fragments with kinetic energy
Heat is generated due to particle interactions from fission fragments
Heat is transferred to water
Water becomes steam (or there is a secondary system where there is another heat transfer cycle)
Steam goes through a turbine, makes the turbine spin, the turbine then generates electricity
used steam is condensed, then pumped through the cycle again

it means run maybe

theyre the chemists i think
i dont know my aft rates so good
source: im an ft

If you photocopy your buttocks, does someone have to pay a dime?

Life's significantly better.
As for getting selected, make sure the ELTs on your crew like you and you know your CRC shit well.

now i knownow i know!

It stands for Engineering Laboratory Technician.
In a nutshell, we make sure chemistry in various systems are maintained and people aren't exposed to uncontrolled sources of radiation.

sub or surface

Do you know Bruce Willis?

Keeping it simple. Why the fuck is spelling Plant difficult?

Why didn't the nuclear power industry adopt the reactor model that used liquid metal for cooling demonstrated at the Idaho National Lab in the 50's instead of the types cooled by water?

Don't pay attention to your Industry huh? Not a subscriber to Nuclear Gazette Weekly?
>sidenote: if this is what you are going to do, maybe learning about it might help.

You an Exelon employee or contractor?

Pic of OP doxxed

Why isn't nuclear power as big in the US as it should be (it's pretty efficient)

You at prototype right now? How does it feel doing nothing

They'll basically ask "who wants to be an ELT?"
They generate a package for you, you do a little paperwork, and then it's up to your crew's ELT staff whether or not they want you.
You'll get this book called the Volume 1. Use it, instead of your coloring book, to study. You'll be leagues ahead of the other guys qualifying.

Because this guy.


Because if the system failed and the metal cooled, it hardens and you are completely fucked and have to scrap the whole thing.

Qualified, on transfer leave right now. Living the dream while I can.

Not OP here - but studied electrical engineering.

'Real' power is dissipated as heat through a resistance. Like your toaster - a purely resistive load.

'Reactive' power is that component of the power that is alternately stored and released by reactive elements in a circuit (capacitors and inductors) - so it is never really consumed - it just sloshes back and forth between source and reactive load. A motor is a mostly reactive load.
Reactive power is only a consideration with AC - with DC all power is real power.

Does that make sense?

>Dolly Parton Memorial

So civilian nuclear power companies just piggy backed on Rickover's designs? Lazy bastards!
Liquid metal cooling is so much safer.

byron il?

you work for exelon faggot

ah so youre a nubby nub
have fun in hell

Are you at Peach? I'm on shift right now; security. You an employee or contractor?

i forget when peach's outage starts... couple weeks?

emergency locator transmitter

that is a great pic

Egg, Lettuce, and Tomato sandwich

I hear it's everything I want it to be.

can u put something IN the reactor? like i dunno a frog so then we can start Sup Forums superman project

>steal uranium
>sell to isis


Don't you think current nuke tech is rather wasteful at .5% fuel usage?

It's extremely wasteful, that's why we started to look into breeder reactors a few decades back. But Admiral Rickover decided light water reactors were the way to go, and we found a bunch more uranium so we stopped giving a shit.

Are their really Christofags browsing Sup Forums think they are doing anything positive with their life by pretending they are better than others because you worship some made up sand nigger amalgamation? Kill yourself and be with Jesus already, why live here with us heathens?

You're close, U-235 is the fuel they use in a light or heavy water reactor, the water acts as a coolant (under high pressure) and a moderator for the neutrons that fly out of every fission. The U-238 will also split but releases less than two neutrons in the slow spectrum so they have to replace fuel every 18 months consuming only .5 or .7% of the fuel they put in
