'Sup, Sup Forumsros

'Sup, Sup Forumsros.

So, I'm in a bit of a predicament, here. I live in a (US) state where marijuana is still illegal, so for 95% of our jobs (Even shit-tier convenient store jobs) require drug testing. Well, point being is I've applied to 40+ locations and some are giving call-backs, meaning I can't smoke weed until I get the job and can confirm there isn't random drug-testing down the line. I've been clean since New Years, but sort of running out of fucks to give. Is there any method of me being able to smoke weed (Even maybe 1g from a pipe like once) and flush it out of my system 99-100% (Or just enough to have it pass a drug test without any issues)?

Please give me reliable methods, not shit you've just googled. If you have personal experience with smoking and passing a test then give me the method you used. If push comes to shove, I'll wait, but there is literally fucking nothing to do where I live, so might as well have some fun.

Also, curious about LSD / Shrooms, do they appear on a drug test? For some reason when I google the shit I just get articles about why people drug-test and some lawyer links, or some shit. IDK.

Here is a pic of a drug thread I hosted a while back and the dipshit forgot to take his drivers license out of the picture.

If you smoke just two or three hits one night a week you should be OK. I'm not an expert on this but there is a threshold for the tests and the only people that have major problems passing are habitual smokers. If you do get asked to test buy a at home and if positive drink lots of water before so it will be diluted. They will make you test again and this will give you a few more days to clear.

also right before the test drink gallons of water and caffeine to dilute the test

dude weed lmao

heh i live in oregon
>new bill to make it illegal for employers to discriminate against a worker using in off time

So it's really just a hydration game, then? I'm just in a position where I really need money, and relatively soon. I have some weed stashed up I got from a friend as a Christmas present left over, so I won't be purchasing more weed until I get some income rolling in.

What about LSD and Mushrooms?

Good job posting your ID faggot.

Dude what kind of magic deck did he run?

Hey, someone didn't fucking read. You dipshit.

1.) >OP states he lives in a state where marijuana is illegal, the fucking DL says," Washington," where it's legal.

2.) >OP literally says,"Here is a pic of a drug thread I hosted a while back and the dipshit forgot to take his drivers license out of the picture." Read faggot.

Typical Sup Forums scum. Fucking die, faggot.

IDK dude, he was too high to realize he posted his DL in the first place, he was talking about weed, LSD and some other thing. MDMA? IDK, I'm not heavy into drugs, I just smoke weed fam.