Why are women allowed to cover sports they are physically unable to play?

Why are women allowed to cover sports they are physically unable to play?

would wang tho

Cause we wanna see titties and legs not some nerdy faggy men

So I can stuff my cock into their mouth

How else would we close the wage gap

nailed it

Why are obese neckbeards like OP allowed to watch sports they are physically unable to play?

It's called "pandering".

Because white males deserve to be punished for millennia of oppression over everyone else.

Good question

I'm actually 6'5 225 14% body fat but nice try kiddo

Oppression. Nigger word for I'm a worthless POS.



Is Vern physically able to play?

literally jews

because dudes like looking at tits. Not a difficult concept if you wernt a faggot

We let Skip Bayless cover basketball and Joe Buck cover any type of athletic event, I don't really see the difference.

skelly mode


His last game is on right now.

prove it, fatass

Nobody likes Joe Buck.

Why do they make Jerseys in XXXL+ size, surely if somebody was into sports they wouldn't be that fat, right?


They are just placeholders with tits and ass that read things scripted by other people, most likely men.

It's not feminism, it's actually bro stuff and pretty rad. You're looking at it wrong.

Yeah but I'm 8'3" and fucking jacked bro I'm now going to whip my dick out and measure it because I'm offended on the internet


Does she have boob cancer?

No, she's using the bra to hold up her belly.