What is the most undesirable trait in a biological adult female...

What is the most undesirable trait in a biological adult female? What has been your least favorite qualities in your past/present female companions?

I feel like 95% of Sup Forums is unqualified to answer this.

youre probably right but im curious

being conscious

Does being a nigger count as an undesirable trait?

they can't take a fucking joke

>the ol' vajayjay

I prefer a feminine penis on biological females

2 edgy 4 me

Stupidity, I can't stand idiots. No matter how hot

>willing to date me
Oh hell no, something wrong with this girl

>What is the most undesirable trait in a biological adult female?
Her having a boyfriend or husband to whom she is faithful.

>he made a joke.


Fuck outta here cancer.


- excess melatonin
-equine vagine

>muh buzzword

Confirmed cancer.

This nigger beat me to it.

Stupidity. If there's no intelligence, I feel no attraction to her, no matter how physically attractive she may be.

But don't get me wrong, I've banged several dumb girls... it just means she'd be out of the question for a real relationship.

Having ever had a "fuck buddy"

The ability to convey thoughts and feelings through various methodologies such as speech, writing, etc.

Genital hair. There's really no polite way to tell your fiancé to shave her pussy and ass because it looks fucking gross.

get out of my thread homo. i bet you havent even seen boobies before.

>sexually active
>don't want that


smoking cigs or pot? does it matter?

>my thread

Kek. Talk about delusions. I doubt you have legitimate ownership of anything.

Yeah, I dig a smart girl with her own opinions and interests. I hate girls that only take on interests of their boyfriends. You seem some girls that get into nigger music and ricer cars when dating a wigger and then two months later they're line dancing in a camo dress because they're dating a farmer. Wtf?

>taking anyone seriously on Sup Forums

you are actually retarded.

>I can't believe a girl would want to share interests with her SO

I can't either.


i think what they meant was changing their entire personality to fit with who theyre dating

>ur taking me seriously
>ur a retarded

No one takes you seriously. You should know that by now.

The fact that they say no to perfectly good sex.

how do they know its good before they do it?

having the wrong attitude, selfish to a fault.

if she's a prima donna, snot, or princess who is always bitching, complaining, and passive aggressively sabotaging any day where she doesn't get her way with snide comments, i just don't care to deal with it.
everyone has shitty days occasionally but when it becomes a regular occurrence it just pushes my buttons and i've walked out of relationships and told girls to take cabs home over it.

Hey retard. You can only "share" interests if you both bring something to the table. I want to try new things. I know what I like. I want a girl that expands my horizons.

statistically the number of sexual partners has a direct inverse correlation to the chance for a happy long term marriage
>chart unrelated

I can see it now. You in a bar. Asking a girl if she wants to get that salami. And she just has this look of horror. One of her friend's just blows their brains out. The other is trying to hide in her hands.

Being able to speak is very undesirable.

>I'm so bad with women I need any help I can get to keep them
>including making sure they aren't sexually active adults


>how dare she try to share my interests and not bring wildly different interests to the table
>surely that lack of shared interests will make my relationship better

Whatever you need to believe man.

Their brain.

No, I understand, some men fear a strong woman.

>ur just afraid of strong women

Holy kek. What a desperate sounding comeback.

it's a fact man, the more sexual partners you have each had, the less chance the relationship is going to survive long term. why do you think american marriages have gotten shorter and less successful with divorce rates through the roof since the sexual revolution? it's not because divorce has been trivialized, rather that is a symptom of the problem.
you don't need to have dozens of partners each in order to figure out what each other like and have a good relationship.
if your goal isn't to find a woman you love and raise children together in a stable environment, do what thou wilt but don't be shocked when your skag wife leaves or cheats on you the second things get difficult, children or not.

Im the guy who originally said fuck buddies were bad, and i approved of this message

What else is it? I want my girlfriends to have their own interests over just adopting mine? That's somehow a weird trait? I don't understand. Teach me. What's desirable about a woman that is a blank slate and only takes on your own interests?

I hate when I'm dating a girl and her answer is always "whatever you want".

too much nagging and bitchiness, wish women knew when to stfu and chill at times

Cigs, pot is okay as long as you dont smoke that shit as much as you smoke tobacco.

>I'm very insecure and afraid that I won't be able to satisfy and she'll leave me for another man
>thats why I buy into these statistics like they're hard, indisputable facts
>I mean jeez, how could you have dozens of partners, what are you charming and attractive, you fucking cuck

Kek kek kek kek kek kek

>I hate being the man in the relationship

Ftfy kek

Oh, OK, I see. Thanks.

>why won't you talk to me

Because you're a obvious beta and you're not worth my time kek.

of course it's going to vary from person to person but the odds are against you, good luck fam

No, I get it. You answered my question. Thanks.

Let him have 3 divorces under his belt, thats the only way he will learn

They have way too many expecations

i'm with this guy.