40 yo virgin need to enlarge dick fast, whats best way

40 yo virgin need to enlarge dick fast, whats best way

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cut it off and replace it with a larger one

Buy a new one

Learn to use your dick, smash the part that feels like the roof of your mouth until it becomes hard and she starts shaking. Seriously look into it
>also 40 yr virgin

Plastic surgery

Your entire life is utterly and completely meaningless.
Congratulations on accomplishing nothing and contributing nothing to humanity.

But you are fat and have a small cock, so its probably a good thing you havent passed on your genes.
Good job


Get it caught in a train door

1. Acquire knife
2. Apply knife to peenhole
3. Perform twisting motion
4. ???
5. Stop being a faggot

zoom and enhance

Not a sand nigger, jelqing.
I heard it only adds like an inch tops

isn't the problem with jelqing that you also lose girth?

Best way to get larger dick is to born again

Sell your product some where else!

stop replying to these threads with that white apparatus

i also pump

fuck off shill

How many times have you been rejected specifically due to your penis size?

every time

Seems legit.

look up "turtle oil" or "bulus oil". youre welcome


how many hours to stretch for 1 inch