Ask an IT Specialist eveything!

Ask an IT Specialist eveything!

Why is Windows 7 update broken.

Why won't my project computer work?

Why isn't an "IT specialist" faster at typing?

Is networking easier than programming? I don't really see myself as a code monkey.

Cool! I gave up on that career path because I'd rather make half the salary doing a job where I have no responsibility.

How do you like it?

What the actual fuck is going on in this pic.

Have you tried turning in off and on again?

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

"IT Specialist" says nothing. What IT do you specialize in?

He's rerouting the transponder, you non it's wouldn't understand.

Not even an aspiring hobby computer tinkerer would post that fucking image.

I am on the phone most of the time.

So some kind of support. Gotcha


No, but I tried attaching magnets and balancing it on my head whilst I do that penguin walk dogs do on the carpet when they have an itchy ass hole?

This enterprising young man is performing an OS upgrade on his PSU, by adding a 60W lightbulb and crimping the cables that are attached to his legacy parallel port.

No, coding it by far easier.

You need to be quite smart in order to get anywhere good with networking.

Maths is KEY you need to know how to convert hex > dec > binary on the fly

If I have 2 Thunderbolt 3 ports on my mobo, and I connect devices to both of them, do I have 80Gbps (2x40) bandwidth or is it only 40รท2?

Sysadmin here
I specialize on virtualization (ESXi, Horizon) learning Citrix XenApp / Desktop at the moment, so im able to do work with both technologys.
VMWare is by far superior though.

Check OP out?
He is a computer geek after all...
And I was starting to think you just made this thread so you could post some shitty image that isn't actually funny.

I'm not OP lol....

if you installed windows from the SP1 then what happened is that mother microsoft changed the way windows update works at a point in time and from then if you have an older version it can't communicate with windows update's server, you need to manually download certain updates to stay in pair, then it will be automatic.
google it
not OP

Take that dick off your shoulder and put it in your mouth...

>that isn't actually funny.

why don't you just fuck off then without any comment?

no u

So how many copies of Adobe reader have you installed?