Hey medfags, I need help. I am constantly exhausted, despite getting a decent amount of sleep, and I don't mean "ow I'm so sweepy", I mean full on fucking exhausted, having trouble keeping my eyes open, and not being able to comprehend what's happening most of the time. I really need to know what to do, I haven't been able to function properly at all. I tried napping, but I can't fall asleep at all. The only sorta relief I get, is after a night of sleep, but that lasts about half an hour, after that, i go back to being exhausted like I didn't sleep at all.
Hey medfags, I need help. I am constantly exhausted, despite getting a decent amount of sleep...
Visit psychotherapist.
consult a doctor instead of the 14 year olds on Sup Forums
do you snore? sleep apnea maybe.
I was like you for years. exhausted all the time. then I got diagnose with sleep apnea and got a CPAP machine and now I don't feel the slightest bit sleepy at all, ever.
get checked.
also no I'm not obese. I'm 6'1 and 160lbs. skinny people can get sleep apnea too.
My guess is your a fat fuck.drop weight. Sleep better
you probably eat like shit.
Dude you're a fucking rail.
I know. I mentioned my height/weight because 99% of the time when I tell people I have sleep apnea they respond with something along the lines of "but you're not fat". It's like diabetes in that most people think only fat people get it.
this lol
you think you're sleeping but actually the aliens are just fucking you for 8 hours straight and then implanting false memories of having slept all night
That's what caffeine is for. If that doesn't work, amphetamines should get the job done
>image search
>someordinarygamers mutahar
>fucking new fags
Mutahar? Is that you?
did OP ever say the pic was him? how about considering the possibility that he chose a pic of a sleepy guy for a thread about being sleepy.
You look like mutahar
No one even said that OP's pic was OP you fucking mongoloid
Why did calling someone a "mongoloid" become an insult? I'm not even racist but if you're gonna choose a genetic structure why wouldn't you choose negroid? This is fucking Sup Forums after all.
God damn sheep
Is this a likelihood?
Being depressed causes such intense lethargy?
Because I always thought I could just barrel through mentally, but if this fucking exhaustion is part of it that's intolerable.
for whatever reason mongoloid is also a term for a retarded person, though the use of it in that way has decreased in the past. it's an olllllllld school insult.
>implying it wasn't implied
kill yourself, retard.
>it's an olllllld school insult
What are you 12?
It's prob your diet/lack of exercise.
Being in shit health is a very high strain on your body and mind.
OP have you walked through tall grass recently?
Low iron
Nah my party is already full
symtoms of heart failure faggot get checked at the doctors fast
sleep apnea dude. nojoke. i have it, its not cool.