Feels thread?

Feels thread?

I'm done with women, Sup Forums.

>Be 2016
>Had a huge crush on a girl I met in one of my classes
>We finally met after we were partnered up for a class project
>Her personality made me fell in love with her even more
>Sweet, bubbly, optimistic
>She gave me motivation to keep going on with my life
>We told each other about our problems and it was like we clicked
>I wanted to be her friend before initiating a relationship
>To her I was her best friend
>I got a dishwashing job to take her where ever she wanted to go
>I asked her out but she said she's not looking for a relationship
>Be 3 weeks ago
>On her snapchat she's hanging out with a different guy
>His name is Aaron
>Look up Aaron's Facebook
>Typical thug who fucks women and does nothing to contribute to society
>My crush and Aaron start dating
>Heart dropped
>Confront her about it
>She would rather stay with someone she barely knows than with someone who cares about her

Pic related. Fuck you Rosa. FUCK YOU FUCK YOU

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If you're "done with women" chances are you couldn't get any if you tried


But it's only 10am here user :( too early for a feels thread


jesus dude. cringed hard. why would you send her that wall of text when she's obviously not interested in you?

I thought I could at least convince her user...

I feel you man, I'm done with women for a little while at least. Seems like they're only capable of following their vagina/rebellious instinct at a young age, and modest women are getting harder and harder to find. I hate the privilege they have of slutting out when they're young and then settling down with a nice guy later, it's bullshit. I was committed to working my ass off for a girl for 4 years only for her to stand me up and I later found out she was fucking her 50 year old tutor (she's only 18 herself) and basically is just a whore for older creepy fucks. I can't think of one girl I know at the moment who I would enter a relationship with, I feel like I can't trust any of them. I feel you, Sup Forumsro.

shit OP forget her.
im not gonna bother with women, its lonely but better than getting your heart broken