Is it a crime to cum in your sister's food and drink?

is it a crime to cum in your sister's food and drink?



Well that was a short /thread.

well then

what would i get charged with?

pics or didnt ever happened

My wife won't su k my dick so i cum in her coffee

You'd have to eat the food

Sexual Assult

If your sis happens to be younger
Maybe child molests too

Unless your in Utah,
Then your fine

Trips of truth

How would she know unless she's a whore? "Hey dad, my fruity pebbles taste like cum."

nah, I cum in your sister's food and drink all the time

Cum everywhere, OP. Soap, shampoo, facial cream, toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, inside her pillow, smear it on her lips and nostrils while she sleeps. Cum on every food or drink she ever eats, make it increasingly clearer to her, eventually you will be cumming right on top of her ice cream just before she eats it. Turn her addicted to your smell and taste. Good luck!

It is actually a felony to tamper with food, and ifcaught you could face between 5-15 years in a federal prison.


Ya blew it.

Don't listen to

OP. Go out there and cum on her shoes right now. It will make you feel better.


this, plus if you have an STD you get another charge for that

its like poisoning basically

Have condoms with you so you can have cum on you at all times. Go to the bathroom, blow a load, pocket it, them go see if she wants some ice cream or something like a cream cheese sanduiche, so the taste is more apparent. Greek yogurt would be nice too, very tasteless.


Don't be a retard, retard. It would be sexual assault.

>Unless your in Utah

No it is not a crime. You are giving her vitamins she needs

Only if you get caught.

Id have you arrested for sure. Fucking little degenerate faggot.

If it was a felony, there would be no fast food