If you had the choice

If you had the choice
>more money
>bigger dick

What would you choose?

I would like a bigger dick until the offered money reaches the sum of about a million. Then I would prefer the money.

My dick is average as fuck (6 inches long, 5 inches around).
My finances are below average. Basically don't have any money, but I get by.

I like that paint, I saved it

Bigger dick.
Then I can prostitute myself and get more money.

Time and Tide
wait for no man.

i have a big dick and plenty of money and life still sucks for the most part

but with money women love you no matter what

More money. I have a massive penis already.

More money.

The myth that women are obsessed with penis size, and the fact that men worry about something they have no control over, is a product of the porn industry.


I would go for bigger dick unless the money is over $500