What is the worst form of torture that doesn't cause permanent damage?
Also how long do you think you would last if someone was trying to get information from you through torture?
What is the worst form of torture that doesn't cause permanent damage?
Also how long do you think you would last if someone was trying to get information from you through torture?
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heard that in soviet gulags they would stick a glass thermometer up your penis then smash it with a hammer, not sure how much permanent damage that would could but I'd say that's about as bad as it gets
torture doesn't give you information. it only gets them to tell you what you want to hear, true or not.
only if you're unfit
trips of truth
but for real, read a book on the subject, you don't get information through torture, you get information by treating them like human beings
Thats why you torture them for info then stop for a bit while you verify. If it's true shoot them and bury them. If they lied make the torture twice as cruel. rinse and repeat till you get what you want.
Making someone kill their own family.
Probably like 5 minutes.
that's the dumbest fucking thing i will read this year.
Electric shock