Sup Forums, Why are niggers so hateful?
Sup Forums, Why are niggers so hateful?
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They lived in shit huts 300 years ago.
the irony of that sentence
Because every other ethnic group has bought into the "say anything bad about them and it's racist" mentality. Hold people to standards and they won't be that way.
Because honkeys project their hate at them.
because they hate their hair
Because they're savages. Not really anything beyond that.
Yeah that must be it. Blame whitey, right?
Should have purged niggerdom from the United States when we had a chance.
Check out the "contoversial" IQ studies by race. People claim it's unfairly written for white people, except asians score higher than whites. And no surprise, blackies are borderline retarded.
you made us slaves stupid cracker
Most blacks live in shit huts today. Have you been to Africa lately?
Literally every single race has built grand empires with advanced scientific achievements: asians, middle easterners, central and southern native americans, europeans. Notice anyone missing from that list? Yeah.