Ask someone who's lonely anything

ask someone who's lonely anything.

Lonely in what way? Friendships, family, bf/gf?

Are you lonely on purpose?

I don't really have any friends, my family and I have some mental health issues and no sir single as a pringle. not on purpose I just have a hard time finding the social ques from casual stranger to "friends"

got anymore wallpapers?

How old are you? Where are you from?

yeah boss

19, FLorida


got a few more if interested

personal chart?

> (You)
>19, FLorida

Oh shit I'm 19
>from one of the west states you hate

Post that PNG without it colored?


yeah, I'll try to find the template. call is so god damn hot and dry ya feel? if i want heat i want some swampass

city looks cool, wish it was just it

I personally think it isn't dry at all. I like hot and dry, Arizona during the summer is pretty nice. I don't like humidity at all.

I know some guys from Florida because of online stuff. I think they're from the more redneck region.

(sorry if you dont like anime my dude)

nah its cool, i just like cities

oh for real? I'm from the Orlando area transferring to UCF next spring. you like it out in Cali?

this any good?

yeah. sauce?

I am also quite lonely, it's a shame we don't just have friends built inside of us OH WAIT WE LITERALLY DO WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS

can't find the template my dudes

stole this from a thread a while back don't have sauce

Nope, absolutely hate it.

I love the scenery and more lately than ever the weather, but the people are complete ass. Not everyone. Just the vast majority.

Everyone here seems fake, because out here style, money, class, fame, and every trend is what rules. People follow like sheep and no one does anything different. Not all are like that but 99% are. And I'm not. So its hard to make real friends and stuff.

If you can tolerate the people than you will love it. You got beaches, mountains, grassland, desert, rivers, lakes, tons of city and a lot more nature. Plus weed everywhere. This place is great on those levels, but the people, laws, traffic, and culture suck.

Do you join clubs and stuff and just cant talk to the people outside of them? like you want to but then you just cant

Can I see your genitals?

Been getting some pretty decent stuff from near Tampa (Brooksville if you know the area) i heard it comes from out west

you willing to pay for pics?

Not even almost.

shit, unload while you're here maybe?

they're just as hateful as white people. except they're not pussies and let the hate out. white people are hateful but sneaky. they'll say hateful things under their breaths but are too much of a pansy to say and show what they feel. sometimes the only thing that makes blood flow thru the genitals of white people is seeing their girls piped by another guy. faggots.

I just like genitals. Not even fussy about what kind.
