Well Sup Forums what did this come from?

Well Sup Forums what did this come from?

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is it itch?

A little, yeah, but like it feels like a pin being stabbed in to touch any of it

Probably AIDS. Or cancer. Definitley probably cancer. Like this thread

may be chemical exposure. Work with chemicals, like cleaner? or solvent?

Definitely neither, already ruled those out buddy

looks like herpes

Nah I don't work with any chemicals, trying to think now if it's been exposed to anything like that recently, but I'm pretty certain it hasn't.

On my lower leg though? Doubt it

Could be an ingrown hair infection

did anyone kiss it?

Also, it's cancer.

Maybe? I haven't shaved my legs ever so I'm not sure. It's only popped up in the last 24 hours


Ever have chicken pox? Could be shingles.

Had chicken pox when I was a kid. How exactly do you get shingles, I don't know too much about it

>24 hours
I doubt it would pop up that quickly, but I'm not sure. Look it up.

Why don't you go see a doctor?

It could be a number of things, best choice is to get it checked out by a professional user.

Shingles user. Its contagious as fuck and spreads rapidly.

I had shingles last year. Trust me, it's not shingles.

Seriously would of been no more than 36 at most

As a qualified Medical doctor, my diagnosis is acute AIDS related dermatitis. Lay off the cock OP, and you might live to see Easter

Legitimate aids.

I might do it, I'll make an appointment if it persists any longer than the night. It's definitely something I've never had before

Dubs of truth

Chiggers. Or a staff infection.


Good luck. Is fucking hard to get rid of.

And both of those are?

Nice dubs btw

Its MRSA. That leg is gonna have to come off for sure. Hope you weren't too used to having it.

I'll take a look at that now

Most likely the inside content is like a white pearl.

It spreads like shit if that pearl touches again surrounding area.

Well I already managed to pop one to say, it just sorta bled a little, kinda like picking off a tough scab

You sir might have MRSA. Go to the fucking emergency room now. I had a full blood borne infection. It does not feel good.

Chiggers are little bugs that burrow into your skin. Staff infection is something dirty people get cause they're dirty.

Also it can pop up out of fucking no where.

Or if you work in an environment infested with the shit. IE. A jail. I quit because 37 MRSA repeats in 13 months is ridiculous.

I haven't been in contact with literally anyone that'd even have any contact with it third or second.

Shingles, if you want to soeed up your healing: eat less eggs, cheese, peanuts, fat, Eat more fruits comming 2 /4 weeks. Drink stinging-nettle tea. It will also help against the itch.

That pretty much sums up what I eat, I rarely consume eggs or cheese or nuts. So I'll try the tea though

Doesn't matter. It happens randomly in people that have no exposure because the shit is everywhere.

Well shit

Cross your fingers it isn't shit sucks bad. It loves to recur to.

Here's hoping man

This is not molluscum contagiosum. This rash is multiple pustules located about hair follicles. It is folliculitis. Mostly likely staphylococcal. Can be due to either MRSA or MSSA (you cannot tell based on physical appearance). Typically gets better on its own. Don't pop the pustules, this will delay healing and can cause secondary infection with cellulitis or abscess formation. Keep the skin clean and dry. You can apply a topical antimicrobial ointment. Oral antibiotics may help but generally are not necessary for uncomplicated cases.

>use CDB - oil, preferably 3.6% or higher
>for at least 3 weeks, 3-4 times a day.

I really don't think that's what it is. I guess not all shingles cases are the same, but I had shingles last year and the boils were clear at first. It was only after about 4 days when they started to fill with puss. And by the time they looked like that, I was in some pretty severe pain.

On the off-chance that's what it is, get yourself a bottle of L-Lysine immediately and take a few pills daily -- it'll shorten he duration.

Thanks for the great advice, I'll keep all that in mind