
your stance over tortillas

>Great Tier
Wheat Flour Tortillas

>Pretty good tier
Tortilla española
Yellow corn tortillas

>Shit tier
White corn tortillas

top image is tortilla
bottom is called a wrap

This is a tortilla here
Top picture is a "tortilla española"
Bottom one is an abomination


Does ANYONE recognize Spain's autistic "tortilla" other than themselves? What about their neighbors?

Even in the Portuguese Wikipedia tortilla gives you the Mexican tortilla, and you have to type in "tortilha espanhola" to get Spain's

>Chicano is confused and enraged

Flour tortillas a good, corn tortillas a good, fried corn tortillas a good.

Boxed 'hard taco shells' a la Taco Bell™ a shit.

In general tortillas are a good idea and I approve of them.

Also in OP's pic I have no idea wtf that top thing is, some sort of casserole?

Is this the same moor trying to force his shitty meme?

Top is a real tortilla made by white people.

>Hey, did you know that you need to search the words tortilha espanhola to get a pic of your tortillas?
>lol u mad
Why are spaniards so stupid in general?

Top. Everyone here calls the top image a "tortilla".

yeah. we use 'tortilla' for both, prounounced tor-tier, but in my mind it = spanish omelette not doritos

That doesn't mean shit. Portuguese wiki doesn't prove anything because it includes Brazil and all the irrelevant countries are more familiar with that weird thing you got to put the wrong name in anyway because of America.

>Calling anyone stupid
Mexican average IQ is lower than your body fat percentage Pancho

We already knew Argentina was the whitest country in America

The most relevant country gets to name things, sorry
Not an argument, now, go make some minecraft videos, you know you need the money

Plus it's backed up by USA literally the most relevant country in the world. We say Mexico is right, tortilla is the, well, tortilla, not the potato&egg casserole.

>The most relevant country
ouch.. a-are you ok spain

>Half of my countrymen moved to the most relevant country and made the name famous there therefore we're right
Literally jews.

>Not an argument
Just a fact.
>you know you need the money
Not as much as you

>Got cucked by mexican jews
How does it feel?
>If i say its a fact it means its a fact
Can i see your fedora collection?

>pronounced tor-tier

que mas da

It's shit.
Literally just a fuckin mazu with a little moisture. I wonder what imbecile started to torture the art of cooking that much.

We're not cucked tho, all countries that matter are more familiar with our name.


de algo hay que discutir autisticamente, es divertido