Waifu claiming thread.
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a maximum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
Waifu claiming thread.
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a maximum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
Other urls found in this thread:
Then focus on your good things. I'm sure you're an amazing person in your own way. What do you consider as your good things
Claiming BEST girl EVER
Claiming best girl.
But if two people say it's good, of course I want to check it out.
Good at drawing? How good? Show me!
>She is not even burnt
i wasn't raised to have good traits
i'm the best at drawing~
i can't show you atm though, sry...
What con?
Oh come on no need to be so humble. I'm sure you have some good traits. You said you worked as a baker? Do you work hard?
But, but, I wanna see since I occasionally dabble in drawing things too. Don't have ligameme though so I'm never gonna make it.
Sleepy. What's wrong?
How're you?
I don't really, I'm just content with myself.
There is a pseudo God already in my life.
>4 lootboxes grinded today
>still no new years dva
FUCK blizzard
Hello everyone
>no life
>Juvia claimed
Really? Are you sure about that?
tfw not out hitting on cuties right now.
How's everyone?
These are the gayest fuckin threads you fuckin faggot virgins
Tired. Trying to get sleep rhythm back on track and still have to stay awake for at least 10 hours.
It's like, fucking, 7 am but it is sunday so it's cool.
Like you go out hitting on cuties.
Ouch. I should probably do the same, it won't be fun though.
i meant no good personality traits -.- i'm just not good with people and always end up ruining the relationship in the end
i would love to see your drawings! i'm very passionate about art~
i refuse to open my heart to people who love me...
is your pseudo god rei~?
Personality traits? Then what about this? You're being friendly towards everyone here. If that isn't a good personality trait, then i don't know what is.
I could've meant anything by that.
I did just turn down sex with a fine Filipino girl on tinder cause she's an hour away. Also she's 37, but hey, whatevs.
20 miles away = 1 hour train ride/car ride. Rip
I do what I can.
Why so salty?
Personality traits? Those are intersting, what are you guys talking about?
It's my Top dude YouKnow, sup.
I'll show mine if you show yours. I'm not very good though.
Definitely not fun.
Still didnt get the skin I want
Hello nepo
I feel your pain, i got massively fucked by dark souls earlier today.
Comrade shielder thinks he doesn't have any good personality traits. And I'm trying to convince him that he does
Why's that? Like how do you mean?
How the hell is 20 miles an hour away?
I might just try to nap in an hour or two and do it that way.
That seems kinda cool. Do you go to a lot of things like that.
Really? Cause I'm pretty sure you're talking about seeing my waifu's lewds.
Which weren't ment for your eyes to begin with
>dark souls
You fucking casual, I still love you tho
Why would you ever want skin?
Because Japan is a suffering place. I may as well just take a train to shinjuku and go get laid at the first bar I go to.
Dva is my main and her new skin for the chinese new years is really cute
He's cute I'll give him that.
Do you usually drown in mad pussy?
Incursio yo.
Japan seems like suffering. Fun, but also suffering. Still, at least you can drive places.
Being nice to people online doesn't really require much since I can do it too.
Did you miss that pyromancy trainer or killed some npc?
The game is bad though.
>playing Dva
you disgust me even more.
>not playing based roadhog
I did in Korea.
I probably could here if I cared more, I'm stuck inbetween the "I want a cute gf, and I want to get laid, but I'd rather be lazy" phase currently.
Plan on changing that soon. It's mostly classes causing me to not go out more.
>driving anywhere without paying a $20000 toll to get on the freeway
It's just easier and cheaper to ride the train.
Dont care, want
>fucked by Dark Souls
if it's not at least ng+5 I'm disappoint user
But I can help you out if you have some problems with it
T-that is... I-i-if you w-want to...
>Lemme just chain you and shot like a shitter witha shit ton of health and a healing ability
Fuck you, genji all the way
True, but being nice constantly isn't something everyone can pull off.
Miku claimed
What are you studying?
It is tho, for a lot atleast.
but if i treat everyone the same no one will feel special...
i remember my obsession with rei
i still love her so much
she so evil
how's hunk life?
>gazes into your eyes as you pet me~
im trying to but this phone is terrible, i give up
i don't know why, really, i think i'm just so afraid of being hurt again, i don't want to go through that
Ouch. Still though, I found a car I'm pretty in love with for £300 yesterday and I'm super salty I can't drive.
Honestly, I think that's something that usually takes therapy. Or at least an effort to heal. I was like that once and it took me several years, but look at me now.
It was a lot of fun. Nah i've only been to two including that one.
Fine...you got me...
I mean for fucks sake did they have to make it that hard?
No i found him. Sen's fortress is what happened. Lost 13,000 souls and 7 humanity. In the beginning of it no less!
It's my first playthrough... What i need is some decent armor.
Are you a pro genji?
Really though, when I used to play I was super good with reinhardt and Reaper, but I stopped playing for a few months and now I'm fucking godlike with Roadhog and my 75% hook accuracy.
Working towards a computer science degree with a minor in Cyber security, studying japanese on the side, working full time on the side. Rip stuff. Are you new here?
It's hunky-dory, surrounded by cute asian girls. How've you been?
Yeah? What kind of car is it? Also why can't you drive?
Post cute gif please.
Exactly. You perv
>but if i treat everyone the same no one will feel special...
Exactly, and no one will get their hopes up with you, you feel me?
Also, you are truly cute incarnate btw.
My little hanako can't be this much of a casaul
Nigga I carry niggas with genji
Toyota Celica, 6th gen. It's not much, and it's an FWD unless you want to pay out the ass, but it's the car my dad had and I've got fond memories of it.
I can't drive because I never learned, and learning would be expensive. Plus, I can't afford to run a car at the moment anyway.
That's not even a lot. Losing souls and humanity is nothing compared to missing Quelana as a pyromancer.
Decent armor? More like a decent weapon, armor isn't what you think it is my friend.
I hope you're on PC, right? I can drop you a few things, I got lots of stuff
I don't know shit about most stuff, what would you do with a degree like that? I know cyber security works for those mad H4x0r Ski11s.
What was the other one? What was your favorite thing there?
I know quite some people who will act nice for the first few minutes, and soon after will act like you're theur worst enemy.
Why try making everyone happy? I'm sure some people will feel special with what you do? Not many, but some will. Anyeays, I'm sure you have some positive traits of your own.
For (You)? Anything.
I'm sure you do ;^)
Mate a fucking Celica? That's fucking beautiful, I would have gotten a Celica in a heartbeat had it been RWD. Saw one for 8k that was converted.
Oh damn, I didn't know you never learned how. I imagine it's expensive as fuck compared the states which costs like $25
I'd *hopefully* do something along the lines of network engineering/management or ethical hacking type work.
hey mash, its me again, show me some more bikini pics, for a calendar project ofc :^)
Hit me up with yo PSN, I'll carry yo ass and getcha gold weapons
Post the one with feather in the hair bun.
You know the one.
Reise, Reise Seemann Reise
Hey at least i'm open about being a perv, unlike someone i know~.
Hey i'm just not used to games where you die if someone coughs on you.
it's not so much that i lost it, it's how it happened is what is pissing me off.
I have the Drake sword, it's been doing me good so far. Unfortunately not, PS3.
Anime Vegas a few years back. Probably the Hentai Lounge. Some good times in there.
This was for Not Sorry....
Fuck forgot pic.
Yeah, if I remember right lessons and everything would set me back a couple of thousand. And then there's stuff like insurance which would probably fuck me in the ass for a Celica.
Hentai lounge is lewd
I'm going to go cry into my now, bye everyone.
>Japan seems like suffering.
Yeah, there's no hope for me, I'm going to die alone.
You drew that? You're better than me...
i'm doing alright, it's unbelievably cold right now, so i'm going to light up some wood..
there has to be one person i treat better than everyone else
I like treating people kindly, even though i'm not very good at it, i don't want to be so negative right now but Hamakaze is bringing that side out of me.....
go to gelbooru!
I have disorders, that's what I have hun.
>ethical hacking
It can get a bit annoying when people think it is just like in the movies with real time typing and all that parafernalia, yeah I unserstand how it works, partly.
-pats pats- See you around you wonderful little you.
> (You)
>go to gelbooru!
well, all the fun is kill now, bye mash
I still love you even if you're a fagget casaul
What are you implying?
Don't worry bacon, Dark souls is shit anyways.
I wish. Just a reaction picture.
t. faggot casuals
You say that like therapy isn't an option, and an actually useful one at that.
Awww shite, and I thought you were talking about DS III too...
Then I'm sorry, I don't own it on PS3 anymore, but I'll be rooting for you. Don't give up, skeleton!
Also if you're that early: be sure to grab the Wolf Ring and the Elite Knight Set it Darkroot Garden. Also kill Havel, even if you die a few (dozen) times, it'll be worth it in the long run.
casul detected
Trying to bring out the negatives? Try focusing on the positives instead. Sooner ot later something good will happen.
Come on, I'm sure you have some positive teaits as well
Getting late, gonna hit the hay
Darkness infests my soul.
See you around negro.
Oh it was very lewd.
Thanks, that helps to ease the salt.
That you need to be more honest with yourself and embrace your lewdness.
See the problem is i really like it, no matter how badly it grinds my spirit into the ground.
Nope the first one. Thanks, i'll keep trying. i'll look out for them. I already killed Havel, and yes it was definitely worth it.
I play on PC noob
Only for (You)
I think you talked about it a little. It seemed really sexual
Take a look at yourselves and realize how faggot you both are.
I've played it and gotten to the end, It's just not fun.
Honestly, I don't think it's worth the time.
Early morning claim. No tea provided.
Late night claim. I should call in sick at work tomorrow but I cant afford to.
Hey look, an Alice. Hi an Alice.
What's the computer science for?
I have crippling insomnia
I will not embrace something i am not.
I am not lewds and even if i do post lewds they're not for you.
Yes! I love that gif!
It's so cute!
I'm just so upset. I should get my provisional license and just ask my dad if he'd teach me in his Celica when he visits. He'll probably say no, but you know...
Hi nep-boo- I mean neptune.
Yeah i did a little. It was. Probably my favorite experience in there was seeing peoples reactions when they were playing bible black.
See, you're doing it again. Actually now that i think about it, i'm pretty sure you posted lewds for me as well, back around when we first met.
Which Alice are you?
What are you up to an Cute Alice?
Driving is easy, but scary, you'll surely get used to the whole deal with time.