Lets see where ye stand

Lets see where ye stand.


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are you me

that test is way too fucking long though

It's on par with the other ones I've done.

hippity hoppity get off my property

lel noice


I'm literally just 2/3rds of this


"A significant advantage of a one-party state is that it avoids all the arguments that delay progress in a democratic political system." This is a factual statement, not a political view. I mean, that's the entire point of an authoritarian state! I disagreed, since I figured the premise of the question was to make a value judgment on the statement...

Also, lots of anarchists here :3



I answered every question as hard line as I could definite yes or no for everything and I still only ended up with this. Not even sure how you end up in the far far quadrants. Which is only a square or two left of my normal result.

That should have been

>Not even sure how you end up in the far far quadrants. I answered every question as hard line as I could definite yes or no for everything and I still only ended up with this. Which is only a square or two left of my normal result.

You would probably have to be uber religious and fanatically statist/authoritarian to be in the upper right. And you would likely answer all the free market questions positively, and say no to all state controls to end up in the bottom right. Also religion.

But I agree, it seems some of the value judgments may be erroneously skewed left rather than center. But that may also be because it's an American-based test, and you may be European, given what time it is.



I think I'm socialist leaning, but I've never gotten around to any formal reading on the topic, the manifesto is fucking bland as hell so I never made it past chapter two, but yeah I have no clue what answers result in the lowest left corner.


Am libtard

Anything Marx wrote is rather dry and outdated, in the sense that it's all from the 19th century. Sure, "Capital" still stands out as an incredibly accurate analysis of the capitalist system, but it's long and dense reading.

I'd suggest reading some histories of various movements themselves in order to find more reading. Often, there will be references to particularly influential thinkers that have impacted their respective movements.

The advantage with this lefty stuff is that a lot of it is freely accessible online, so you'll be able to find most, if not all, of what you need.

I'd suggest reading the following authors if you want something easier to digest and more straightforward: Rosa Luxemburg, Emma Goldman and Errico Malatesta for the old stuff. As for newer suggestions, I'd visit socialist/communist/anarchist forums/sites to check out their reading suggestions. Good way to get educated and make up your own mind.



I should try to find some writings or something, cos apparently I'm somewhere around libertarian/anarchist social, I decided to check out /r/fulldiscourse on the reddits and man, fuck me is that place lame. Like it's ironically the inverse of Sup Forums, and just seems so full of obnoxious Amerikaner yelling about Trump and that's it

Hmmm. I'm an old school socialist who feels like the democratic party needs to stop trying to make us all SJWs and instead work on empowering the working class. Also I see no reason why we should be obligated to let in migrants at our own peril.

Huh, I'm the only red here.



Well yeah, go ahead and steal my thunder a minute later



I have always felt that I'm sort of neutral.

Normie reeeeee



Wrong image save.


What the fuck is wrong with all of y'all?

bottom left





I hate Hillary. I'm for choice and free speech but I'm against all this forced acceptance bullshit. That and spank your fucking kid if he/she (trans etc there are two biological genders with sometimes a mix by genetic mistake) is throwing a fit over not getting an iPhone. I voted true to what I thought but I don't consider myself a liberal. It's just a test mate.



congrats, you're a classic cuck

Small minded fool says what?


yes please lecture my small mind about white privilege and rape culture. you regressives are laughable.

So many of us are left leaning libertarians

Enjoy living like subhuman scum when automation fully takes over and takes the majority share of all work, because your capitalist overlords won't give a fuck about you, they will have already made their billions of profit and will not give a shit about the future of your society because they're sociopaths, pure and simple.

You. Have. No. Future.

main difference between the left and the right

The moment the right sees someone with a different opinion he has to resort to insults.

this image is one of the most autistic things i've never seen

Who gives a fuck about that? The real issue is people grow up not knowing how great God is and how wonderful our country is that we have the freedom to worship him. We need to fix that NOW.

If you read any of these posts you would realize nobody here is an SJW, you muppet.

implying I'm on the right, i'm near the top left, i'm just not a socially regressive cuck that doesn't want to work and because of that cries about people who work being privileged.

Considering i'm at the top left, keep trying, it's you guys at the bottom left resorting to idiotic identity politics, racism, and sexism all while claiming it's in the name of progress.


You're ruining our country.

You are ruining it too. Joseph was a cuck and he was one of the greatest men who ever lived.


The whine about 'sociopathic billionaires' tells me otherwise.

You realise the only person who has mentioned anything to do with what you americans are calling 'progressive' is you, right?

Me Me That's bullshit man. I see shits on both side. The hard left is just as fucking bad.

Ultra liberals are as bad as overly hard rights.

I'll accept that, at least I prefer to work over whine unlike the rest of these cucks.


Understanding that CEOs that make millions/billions of dollars when their workers are the ones that actually create that wealth, and get proportionately nothing back makes you some sort of white guilt femboy pussy?

bitch do i look american to you
you are ruining your country by yourself, i'm comfy where i am

Why are you on my American Internet freeloader?

am i cool

Don't you know that anybody on the internet is automatically amerikan because it's the only country that exists on earth?



you answered yourself
The hard left and the ultra liberals as you call them are the whiny cunts that nobody likes.
I consider the hard left as whiny and annoying as the ultra right, just replace the word "Racist" and "Nazi" with "Cuck" or "Nigger" and you find the same people.

Populists and the alt-right created their whole identity on insults. let's not kid ourselves here.

They agreed to their wages. If they are unhappy, they can quit or renegotiate. It's not the CEOs fault they put themselves in a bad bargaining position. Why should they give them welfare when they obviously aren't working as hard as they should?


Cause Diochan sucks shit and i like to talk to americans so i can feel smart

does that mean that im a communist?


Awww thank, Italio-Man. I hope some of our smarts rubs off on you. Enjoy your stay, just don't post because we don't like your talk.

Is the test bias or is b a bunch of closet leftests?

The hell does your talk mean?

Do you mean your language?

>Doesn't want to be homeless
>Has to pay money to somebody who owns land, those people have the land because they already have money
>So they pay more than it's worth because they don't want to be homeless

>Need money so they don't get thrown out
>Get a job at a business, you will not get paid anything close to the profit you are generating for the owners, who already have more money than you, that's how they are in the position of power
>They don't pay me well enough, I'll ask them for more, one of two things happens. One, you actually get a promotion, which is happening less and less, but you are still not getting paid even close to the profit you are generating. Or two, they say 'Orright then, cunt, there's the door, fuck off' because they know that there's millions of others that will happily take your position and not say a thing, because they too are just trying to avoid homelessness.

>Why should they give them welfare when they obviously aren't working as hard as they should?

I should have just read your entire comment before refuting it, because it was with this line that I knew you were with trolling or a complete moron.


Tests are biased. Conservative principles sounds mean on paper, but they are what is best and fair for society. The test should say what the end result of conservative principles will be.

>Homogeneous society
>No War
>No idiots
>Nuclear family
>Protection from persecution
>Kingdom of God on Earth
>Economic boom
>Intellectual liars are kicked out

Some people say there's a slight left bias, but nothing drastic. But yeah, there's likely a lot of leftists because who'd have thought that the average Sup Forumstard isn't actually an idiot.

Do you not get languages, Luagi?

No faggot

Wtf stop pretending to be me


When people are free to discuss something without social pressure they answer things freely, surprising that.

Which is why we need to pressure people to make the right choices for society.

This thread goes to show you how many trump trolls are on Sup Forums

>I better tell them what they want so they don't beat me.

Yup. Sound logic, friend.

Shillary still paying you or did you drink the Flavor-Aid?

It's luigi
And that's not my name btw

You clearly don't get yours, nobody says "your talk".
Your language is shit enough as is, don't make it even worse

Seize means of production, motherfucker

>Assuming anybody that has differing opinions on anything is an American or voted for that cuck H.


Could all the Americans fuck right off, that would be nice.