What do you live for?

What do you live for?

Telling fuckers like you to mind their own fucking business.

The biggest VARIETY of pleasures. Experience as much ss possible. Hbu?

Witnessing replies like these.

IRL trolling. really fun. get my ass kicked alot, but it's fun

A thrill. A fun time. A good moment. A pleasant story. Lots of things, really.

Bascially what said.

tbh im not sure at the moment
i just found out the girl ive been crushing on for years likes me and now i have no feelings for her at all. if anything i only see her flaws now and wonder why i was ever into her.

im starting to feel i dont really want anything more from life than what i already have and hence am demotivated to keep going

Fucking with people, if I can't be happy, neither can the rest of the faggots out there.

To see my enemies driven before me and hear the lamination of their women.


maybe the wonder is a gift? isn't all curiosity endless anywayy? let it play out in a state of indifference and see where it leads. if it's not what you want, you leave. it's your life.


The fact that people to this day are looking for a purpose in life is downright comical. The fundamental purpose behind all this is to give up to the unstoppable stream of time and just remain afloat knowing, that the primitive creature as yourself or any of us is incapable of making a change. There is a purpose if you make one for yourself but as one famous composer once said: "Life is like a symphony, make it worthwhile".

I live for the fact that my body has yet to give up on me. Until the day i die timely or catch a bullet i'll be moving along just because my legs still work.

To make a better life for my daughter than I had.

She's already got a head start over my childhood: her father (me) will be a part of her life.

to reproduce and spread my seed

Not him, but...

If you have no emotions for her right now, so be it. That's cool too. You don't HAVE to feel a certain way solely because you felt that way for so long.

Everyone has their flaws and sometimes the cliche is right: a person's flaws define their beauty (or something like that). Maybe this newfound view of her means it's time to part ways, for a while or for good maybe.

>im starting to feel i dont really want anything more from life than what i already have
I have been feeling this exact way for quite some time. Then I realized there were so many things, old and new, to visit and revisit again.

I went to see one of my favorite DJs spin tonight. I'm exhausted, both physically and emotionally, but I am happy. I am happier now than I was yesterday. Doing that tonight made me realize that maybe I was getting complacent with myself.

Someone beat me to it, but this might just be a gift.
Go out and do something new, experience something new; it might help motivate you.

You're just more interested in the hunt.
Like when a lion chases down and zebra because he's hungry, but when he kills it he looses interest.

that much i figured. wasnt really in love with her but the idea of possible falilng in love.

i mean i try this but i feel out of all my life experiences, the ones that end up being the most fun and memorable are the ones that arent forced/planned.

I like gardening. Cultivating the soil and planting the seeds to ultimately bring a living plant into being is nice.

I also like discovering new music. Sometimes I'll go to a record store a pick a random record from the sale bin just to try it out and see if I like it.

judou ibuuru fuejuse ishuu
judou ibuuru shauise ishuu
se ishuu se ishuu rabii iburu ya

Jeuchalais Evule Plellat

Sunny days

I don't know what that means but I feel like bowing.

So I bow.

It means good guys, bad guys. They all die. Everyone dies, so don't worry, okay?

anime tiddies

I'm not worried about that, being an optimistic nihilist.

The knowledge that nothing matters and that all things are temporary brings me peace.

in all honesty, I don't live for anything anymore.
I got out in the world, traveled, did almost everything I dreamed of as a child. But the worst thing was realizing how pointless it all was.
I live for nothing now and will follow blindly into anything.

i really dont know anymore, but i have no desire to stop living either. not really scared of it, just kind of like being alive you know?

i don't know, i guess the simple pleasure of waking up every day, feeling the sun on my skin. biting into a delicious fish sandwich. drinking too much beer even though i know i'll feel shitty the next day, but forgetting that fact for just long enough to make everything sweet. taking a nice, hot shower, and turning it ice cold at the very end. crawling into the sheets on a frigid winter night and feeling them get gradually warmer from your body heat

shit like that, ya know?

i'm a simple fuckin dude, i don't really expect much of anything out of anything or anyone. expectation almost always ends in letdown, and letdown Always ends in suffering


Well, I was raised Christian so I should say I live for God. Lately, I honestly couldn't tell you. Every potential at anything in my life was ruined due to my laziness. I don't know why I'm so lazy. My dad is the most active person I've ever known. I want to be an actor, but I lack confidence. I want to be a cop but I'm a coward. I want to be a stay at home dad and live for my kids but I'm terrible with women. I lost my virginity to an autistic girl, only lasted 10 seconds. I want to be a sex God but my penis is small. I wish reincarnation existed. I wish I knew that as a fact. I often think about killing myself. I hope to come back as someone better. But, as a Christian I fear hell, so I know for a fact I'll never do it. I guess you can say I live for tomorrow. At least tmorrow can't be worse. Right?

there's waaaaaaaay too much boo-hoo self pity shit going on ITT so let me give you guys who are crying about having "no reasons to live" a piece of advice...

actually, truly, un-ironically, completely selfishly consider that it is a real option to not be alive anymore. you can, at any moment, decide to take from yourself the only thing which is truly yours - your life

if you really meditate on that fact, and imagine making that option reality, then i can almost guarantee you will decide it's ridiculous to say there is no reason to live. and hey, if you do just decide to die, who cares right? no reason to live, afterall!

basically, i'm saying "kys" in a really formal way, so yea, i guess that's the TLDR

Hoping that one day most of the population can no longer grow hair.

Some of of have nothing to live for, but are patient enough to find an appealing reason to.
That's why suicidal people who won't kill themselves exist.

I live for fun, adventure, deep emotional sensations. I live for laughs, and sharing an adventure with other people.

I live to make the world more fun and interesting, all the while helping all people be liberated from their physical stresses with modern technology. I'm going to school to be a robotics engineer.

Exactly! This has been me most of my life.

I'm just figuring that out. 24/m/Australia.

Out of an abusive relationship that went on the past year. Things are settling down and I'm keeping busy. But times like right now where I have nothing to do are really shit.

As I'm not feeling that strong in myself...I'm avoiding drugs alcohol sex and relationships. The last two kind of unsuccessfully, but 100% on the first two. So shit that's half successful.

I guess I live to be excellent at whatever I do. If I'm working I pour myself into the job. I just can't accept any less. And to maybe be a little less of a piece of shit.
>Pic related

you sound like a fucking retarded christian realizing you were raised like a superstitious moron.

I live for the love.

Im married to a grill gamer
So basicly i live for roleplay Skyrim sex

I enjoyed reading that, thank you.

My guitar

good times

I have never heard of Skyrim, but it sounds kinky.

Skyrim sex*


To obtain as much knowledge as possible.

Right now, for my parents and siblings. If I had my way though I'd just slit my wrists and sleep the eternal slumber


you got me, i'll make the preparations

On the edge of obscurity.

just to see what happens.


>i don't really expect much of anything out of anything or anyone. expectation almost always ends in letdown, and letdown Always ends in suffering
that hit my feels

>i muddle along working towards a chem eng. degree at a top school.
>literally so unmotivated that i get my work done so i can dissociate myself for as much time as possible. sometimes ive lost entire days.
>deciding not to die because im happy with my gf
>fucked up MAJORLY because i was tired and hungry and said something i tried to take back even as it slipped out of my mouth.
>feel stupidly bad
yeah, its her. Ill live life and start a life with her, but if we break up im ending it. She started dating me very close to me popping one in my head and i decided i love her enough to stick around and try for a bit.
it's a bit sad and sick to not live for yourself, some would even say its actively evil.
but i have nothing else.

Dunno. I don't do anything I like anymore. Used to love playing video games and smoking my pipe, hanging out with my friends. Now I just watch tv. I consider killing myself but I know I'm not depressed. I just want my motivation back.

For fun.
Im a skibum in austria living the time of my life

My little brother
And my Cadillac

i live for the hope that i'll eventually find someone who loves me rather than someone who wants to cuck me. life's starting to look shorter now

To see humanity escape earth and colonize the solar system, the galaxy, the universe itself and the next if there is one until until the very last of stars are covered in the cancer of humankind. >JUST

To destroy all life throughout the seven superuniverses and beyond.

We can make a change, at the rate that science I going at, if we survive long enough we will make huge changes

His trolling u retarded newfag taking the bait