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>meet girl
>fuck for the first time
>doesn't last long we break up
>she's fucked before
>no longer talk
>notice cancer bump
Any help appreciated, will reward with nudes if I get real answers. Hoping I it's an ingrown hair, but idk it hurts.

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Self bump with sample

Aids im a Medical Man

Can confirm. Am doctor.
cancerous must amputate all the way to the butthole

Ingrown hair you fuck. I know coz I'm a barber

I had one, I poked at it a lot and now it's gone. I thought it was cancer or something but it was just an ingrown.

Looks like the start of herpies

Thank you, I was just worried because she's not the most Christian girl.

That's just genital herpes. You get them from fucking a slut.

a fucking zit and you're here posting? fuck off