You voted for Trump right user?

You voted for Trump right user?

you do know that most chinese americans voted trump because it's the best for china?

most americans voted Trump because its best for america

No, I'm not an asshole

That's a korean girl

so just a mongolide?

the ironing. No, I am not a mongolide

but you said you didnt vote for trump so you other choice was clinton, means you are a mongolide

All four of my grandparents were born in the USA, of course I voted for Trump.

are you trying to double troll?

no, i just stated a fact that you are a mongolide

>No, I'm not an asshole
I'm an asshole

fixed it for ya


no because trump is a retarted

>president of the most powerful country
if he is a retard in your opinion then on the scale what are you?

well, seeing as you are a neet fat fuck with no job so you must be a fucking retard and yet you still voted for him.

projecting much

that is some prime butthurt you got there
goddamn,its almost like a rare wine.

clearly not? it says chinese americans for trump on her shirt


You can be an asshole or vote for Trump. You can't have both.

Holy shit! More like this?


I voted for Jill Stein out of protest. I know she didn't have a chance in hell to win, but I refuse to conform to the broken 2 party system.

>broken two party system
>not voting for the candidate who beat the rigged system and got the nomination anyways

