Any audiophiles here ?
Any audiophiles here ?
only pedophiles
oh shit i thought that said pedophile wrong thread
are those faggot twisted cables to collect dirt, or to slowly untangle and get caught in things all the time? kys fgt
This is now a pedophile thread.
Thinking of getting
Sennheiser HD 598
Edifier R1700BTs
any thoughts. dont know to much about audio splooging
>Sennheiser HD 598
I have a pair. They´re like sex when it comes to ergonomics and long sessions of listening. I occasionally EQ bass a bit, but any audiophile probably wouldn't do the same.
They are open as fuck though and when I¨'m running fans in my apartment or when my neighbours dog outside is barking I can hear this clear as the day. I would even talk to friends with these on my head because they basically don't block out any sound.
btw. try to get a hold of the black ones, they're usually cheaper.
I have a pair of momentum over ear and a pair of beyerdynamics also. The momentums cut of sounds greatly but are too tight for long time sessions, good for plane rides (i fly a lot). The beyerdynamics are great for bassheavy music so I used them for work (noisy office). I wish the latter was a bit tighter and more closed though.
itt autism
any input on the Edifier R1700BTs