19yo single male & tinking about buying one of these, pic related

19yo single male & tinking about buying one of these, pic related.

Is this worth buying?

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go to jp
japan makes best fleshlights

It's ok. Prepping it up is a bit hassle.

Yes. Yes it is. But I feel I must point out...buying a woman in most non-muslim countries is considered highly illegal. Tread lightly, my horny little friend.

just use your hand... i bought a extra tight butt flesh light and my hand is much better

Why buy a woman when you can just rent one off the street.

It's maybe interesting the first few times.
Worth buying? Sure, try it out. But it's not going to be mind blowing.

i've been using my hand for the past 8 years now.
i'm quite open for new experience you know.

Nah. They're a pain to set up and keep clean. Personally I felt ridiculous when using it and couldn't get off.

I hear the stoya "Destroya" is the bomb. Does anybody know about some good and cheap ones?