The Migrant Crisis edition
*get embarrassed*
>tfw no cuteboy bf to lewd with
janny wont be happy about this
>breaks your point
;) xx
was it art?
I'm alright for a paki desu
don't judge a book by it's cover
>bullied by yanks in my own general
New thread
shit thread do not click
Give me your boipucci, Britboi
You must leave. Voluntarily or not is up to you.
>tfw getting into a right wing mentality again
>tfw it's making me depressed and angry
>tfw being right wing means you're aware but miserable
>tfw being left wing means you're happy but clueless
>not taking the blackpill
>>getting noise complaints
hello filth trash
is that doutzen kroes
the world is a depressing place
do not click
>Conservative Non-Interventionist Nativist Traditionalist
>Buttock cleavage
Why has this not become a bigger thing?
>tfw being a radical centrist means you're happy despite being aware
It's the only way you can strive to correct the mistakes of both wings and consider yourself truly woke
So everyone and their mothers is now getting involved in politics because its cool and trendy to have some stupid fucking label like its some trophy
because it is associated with a hairy plumber's arsecrack hanging out back his jeans
Probably because if virgins like me saw it we'd stick a finger down the crack.
I bet you aren't alright at all though. I bet you're awful in one way or another. They lierally always are, even the ones that appear nice on the surface.
delete this
no it's called not being a manchild
I might
Any tips?
Centrism seems too fluffy
I'm a millenial, so I don't like labels
You ever feel tired of being a consumerist drone? I'm the guy who posts "what can I buy to give meaning to my life?" at least once a week normally.
But for several years now I have outgrown the desire for material crap. There is nothing I can buy which will provide me with lasting happiness.
I feel the cure for this is to create content rather than just consume it. Earlier on I was watching the special features on the Doctor Strange blu ray (which I bought i.e consumed) and it was amazing to see how many man-hours of work went into making that one film. Literally thousands of people, artists, crafting sets and props and costumes and rigs and CGI to create a cinematic experience which is greater than the sum of its parts. Meanwhile I work in a call centre and contribute nothing to society or existence.
got tingles from this
Completely forgot about this thing haha.
no, never
>tfw turning 20 soon
wow i do NOT care
how do I get everyone I know to NOT want to hang around/keep in contact with me without doing something egregious??
just want to be alone and don't want anyone bothering me anymore but would rather they just forget I exist rather than it be as a result of some massive blow-out
*docks penises with you*
*a little bit of wee seeps out*
>You are a: Socialist Pro-Government Non-Interventionist Reactionary
>Collectivism score: 67%
>Authoritarianism score: 33%
>Internationalism score: -17%
>Tribalism score: 0%
>Liberalism score: -67%
Let's make an anime together lad.
do what i do and make shitty video games
>Poorthern "architecture"
really want to have sex with a japanese girl lads
Can I join in? I could 3D model a character for you.
The growth rate of the Arab population in Israel is 2.2%, while the growth rate of the Jewish population in Israel is 1.7%. The growth rate of the Arab population has slowed from 3.8% in 1999 to 2.2% in 2013, and for the Jewish population the growth rate declined from 2.7% to its lowest rate of 1.4% in 2005, before picking up moderately since then to 1.7%.
me on my next birthday
>You are a: Left-Leaning Anti-Government Interventionist Nationalist Liberal
Collectivism score: 33%
Authoritarianism score: -33%
Internationalism score: 33%
Tribalism score: 33%
Liberalism score: 33%
The fuck
>You are a: Left-Leaning Totalitarian Ultranationalist Fundamentalist
>Collectivism score: 33%
>Authoritarianism score: 100%
>Internationalism score: 0%
>Tribalism score: 100%
>Liberalism score: -83%
You are a: Left-Leaning Anti-Government Isolationist Liberal
Collectivism score: 33%
Authoritarianism score: -17%
Internationalism score: -67%
Tribalism score: 0%
Liberalism score: 17%
This is actually depressing
haven't had a real birthday in 17 years
You are supposed to travel to through 3rd world countries on a motorcycle or something
this was legit my birthday last year
>the South just seceded from the Yank general
o i am laffin
south > north
and I'm a northerner
This is me for the last 15ish years.
warned them they shouldn't come to /fr/
but did they listen ? noooooooooooooooooo
>You are a: Right-Leaning Anti-Government Total-Isolationist Nativist Traditionalist
>Collectivism score: -17%
>Authoritarianism score: -17%
>Internationalism score: -83%
>Tribalism score: 67%
>Liberalism score: -33%
We live in a multicultural society, other cultures are shock horror different than British culture. Why are people repeatedly shocked by this? Maybe people confuse multicultural with multiracial, no this isn't a multiracial society where various people of colour turn themselves into Brits destroying their own heritage, culture and traditions in the process this is a multicultural society
I'm surprised they share the main general with wetbacks 2bh
learn the grips of philosophy by reading the republic as well as nichomachean ethics and rhetoric by aristotle. then just read shit like max stirner's the ego and its own, kierkegaard's either/or and nietzsche's beyond good and evil/thus spoke zarathrustra.
Source on that galdem?
It's all about number one mate. Start living selfishly, it's the only way to forge a somewhat likable exitence in this world. All the lovely, kind and giving people get screwed over and live in perpetual dissaray. Consumerism is but a piss in the ocean of the absolute state of humanity today. If spending £2000 on a coffee machine will help get me laid (it really does) then I'll buy one. Because I want to fuck lots of very good looking women, and have zero commitment to them.
To do that, you need shiny things and an extravagant personality. But most of all, you need to be selfish.
t. a rich person with a moderately happy life
You are a: Socialist Total-Isolationist Nativist Liberal
Collectivism score: 67%
Authoritarianism score: 0%
Internationalism score: -100%
Tribalism score: 50%
Liberalism score: 17%
20th birthday this year
my mates are boring cunts so i'll probably spend it at the local having maybe 2 pints, then leaving at like 11pm
fucking hate it
she goes by "black spade the nigger fucker" on chaturbate
You got an album there buddyboy
You are a: Socialist Pro-Government Isolationist Nativist Liberal
Collectivism score: 67%
Authoritarianism score: 17%
Internationalism score: -50%
Tribalism score: 50%
Liberalism score: 33%
got any plans for the bank holiday tomorrow lads?
>so many open fascists
30th isn't too far off and i have no friends to celebrate with
at least you have mates
also drinking sucks
my brother
They're asking if I'm real, I'm real enough
>he isn't a socialist internationalists
what happened to the shiplads
Just had a wank, twas awesome in the original sense, 凄い.
me in the back
I really liked Sniper Elite 2 but am not really enjoying Sniper Elite 3,
Go to bed
page not found. stop trolling me. fuck off.