Banter only edition
Other urls found in this thread:
any critically thinking man in
this is a cool tune
good thread
*womans voice*
Please tell me why do we build castles in the sky
this is from the canadian garage comp I shared on /bleep/ some 2 or 3 years ago iirc
I would upload it again but we're into reel neo-/bleep/ hours rn so screw that
s/t... come home... the decks are cold without you bb
I'm lost without u two, ;_;
wasnt 30 mins so erased all those wastes lls
>I would upload it again but we're into reel neo-/bleep/ hours rn so screw that
Mate do it. I'm down for it. Rare early 90s garage is favorite.
search it on slsk or something instead
can't. soulseek is blocked on my uni wifi unfortunately. If you could throw man a cheeky zippy it would be much appreciated...
u r confused lol
no spoonfeeding or linkposting allowed
(^ ) ^) I am just simple anime man please do not harm me
there are one or two proper weirdos in bleep recently posting completely nonsensical shit seemingly at random
swear man was copy pasting youtube comments in the kode9 thread
I saw Flying Lotus a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?" I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw FlyLo trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started SCANNING it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
s/t kys ty
brogged 20mg ambiem lads, am i gonna have a good time?
wheres the playlist for this
I met deadmou5 and he kept telling me that he had "Some awesome tracks he wanted to show me" but I said "No deadmou5! Go away! I have a family!" then he zipped up his pants, I never looked at him the same since then
>tfw no girl will ever longingly gaze in the distance bc of u
actually probs this 1 girl in hs but i rejected her bc i liked this otherr girly then it didn't work w her and now im here lls
lls I was a total loser in highschool and everyone hated me so I skipped town this is the only place I feel at home anymore
that's not that bad
better to be hated than pitied
it seems like the more things change, the more they stay the same
best with ambien
At least I have anime
if you snort ambien u seriously trip fucking balls...
not that I have ever done that or condone it
i told u s/t
wait fur me und ill wait fur dir
no snorties teenite ladd, maybe on the oddie tomorral, gotta get my esay sleepin you kno cuh? bit of fun before the flop though, you get me?
dunkno i' mfeeling these waves, everything becoming one innit,, no sentance, no praphrases dude, just a community... beautifl shit. real pretty
ye it's a pretty song.. love the scream at 1:31
I snorted ambien at my friends place and walked home, and I thought there was like 3 different levels
there's like, the feet level, then there's like, the mid section level, then there was like the head level. And I thought I could like switch between the levels depending on how I walked. lmao I was so high
eventually I did em so much I didn't feel them anymore and quit
another funny story all of my m8s were outside playing basketball out front of that same friends place, and we got our hands on a bottle of what is basically Xanax, I forget what kind this was, anyways, we kept taking them like skittles because "we're not feeling anything" and all my friends got in so much fucking trouble, my one friend like was so zoinked out and his parents caught em, and my other friend was like sleeping on top of his parents car, and I forget what happened to another one, I think he got in trouble because they were all missing. But I don't remember shit, I must've just went home said hi to my parents and gone to sleep.
One of the only times I ever got lucky as a kid with drugs
aye im a mi deski, tryna enjoy tunes but the screens are their own three demensional box and i just cant get the works thrugh as it spinds, everything breaks apart. i think i strated a wawr between the cubes amd the rest of the world, they are so aggrsesive
I get what you're implying... I'm on meds now.... I don't think I'm crazy of course, but everyone else does. :(
This really depresses me, but such is life.
peep show seasons
What the fuck
I'm not gunna say it's aliens
but it's aliens
way I look at the meds, if I am crazy, then it helps me.
If I'm not crazy, then it makes me look crazy
win win either way
Some of you man need to stop memeing and go back
i need tunes
i can't do this without tuinse
i wanna kno what love is
i wanna kno what it feels like
this is llove to me s/t...
love... comes from the heart....the soul... and dance...
dance with s/t on this easter night
under the moonlight, i'll show you what true love realy is !
is this the friendposter
i n s u f f e r a b l e
any acid lad know the tune 53 mins in this jimmy edgar mix
That until there no longer
First class and second class citizens of any nation
Until the colour of a man's skin
Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes -
Me say war Jahknows
She wants to break up every night
Then tries to fuck me back to life
Really enjoying the chainsmokers new album desu
used to enjoy this one in hs desu
yeah this was a proper chune back then
b-but what are we supposed to post then
message him on facebook, he's super responsive to his fans.
Sent a buddy of mine some unreleased tracks from his boiler room a few months ago just from him asking, he seems like a pretty cool guy
Time to post some tones
Dropped Liem - If Only last night at a show and the crowd went mental
good times man
I only came to hang out with ninja
Fuck that smelly paki cunt.
I love ninja though
this for you lurkers out ther
ey thats not me mate
love my pakistanis
Seriously fuck off
stop reposting tunes you found in /bleep/ its pathetic
The playlist exists for a reason we dont need you reposting it all here lls
would throw a brick at the dj if he played lehult @ the club desu
i think its the same guy trying to "start again" lol
what guy?
nigga every time some refugee or newtrip comes in to /bleep/ you think it's always one same guy
like it ain't a fucking conspiracy
Sup Forums is just filled with morons and it sometimes spills over into here
the guy that was posting links in the last thread
tbqh if u want to share that should be fine just don't spam the thread w it ffs
ban me take it all away
you are definitely that guy, 'nigga'
He is so dumb lbr
which guy? You mean the one that posted the deep house or the one that was spamming IDM shit?
t. snappy meme text/SWMS/akshay mardhekar/Monstercat poster/deep house man/IDM spammer/DodgerStadium
tfw u realise after like 3 years of only browsing bleep that i would not want to be friends with the majority of you irl desu
hello refugee fAGGOT
Damn you must be pretty stupid then
the last and final feel. ;_; I don't want to leave
just go back to Sup Forums seriously you're insufferable
Okay... I will fade into total obscurity as is clearly my destiny.
Good bye
kys tia
any all-nighter man in
yes lad hello
doing my diss but actually just procrastinating
You people are pretty fucking elitist bitches.