>being human
>not supporting blm
Explain yourself
Being human
i'm actually an alien, how dare you assume my fucking race
>being human
>supporting death of cops
explain yourself
>Being human
>Not supporting kkk
fucking idiot
Sorry I don't support racist terrorists.
>assuming my species
Explain yourself
I'm human, niggers aren't.
I neither support BLM nor the KKK. Both for the same reasons.
Best you turn around, boy
i don't support a group based off lies and misinformation
Sub human lives don't matter get over it.
there is a reason animals are kept in a zoo.
blm reminds us of that.
i identify as an attack helicopter, OP triggered me
Gas 'em all. Never met a good nigger.
I've met maybe 3.
Because I don't give a fuck about anybody other then my friends, my family, and my girlfriend
>being human
>gets mad when other humans disagree
Explain yourself
This is a cause I'll support
you mean teddy bear
I don't mean to sound racist or anything, but aren't all flies black?
Fuck off racist piece of shit
You have my support
fug u got me
I agree, im in australia getting ready for this nigger war the leftists have brought on, another war he men will have to fight while the women and mentally retarded stay home and protest.
Pretty much everything I have to say is said here.
i have a blanket to love :D
No, but all flies steal TVs
My name isn't George Soros, so I will not give them any money to usurp the nation
yes, and they are annoying and swarm around pieces of shit.
Because i don't want someone to burn my fucking city down.
Popular black life cycle; most niggers don't make it to their teen years
(You)'re a pretty big guy.
i don't get it
I'm not black so it seems they don't want my help or support
As a law abiding citizen with no record, I fully support police
What I don't support is how it's possible for governments to use police against citizens, but in the first world it's not as large of a concern
>but when I see police i don't get good feelings
fuck your feelings, where I live, the police force is being dominated by brown people anyway
What we have is a plague and when you have a plague the only option its to remove it form all healthy individuals and ultimately kill it.
it means they frequently have diarrhea in public, and they shit themselves.
There's a difference between a black person and a nigger. BLM doesn't fall into the black category.
Because I have self respect, what do you fucking think
I'd fuck that blonde on the right
nigger you know what a nigger is.
Black Entertainment Television, Black History Month, Black Business Initiative, Big Black Comedy Show, Black Journal, Black Magazine, Black Biker Week, State of the Black Union, Black Heroes of Comedy, Black Film Festival, Simply Black, American Association of Blacks in Energy, Black Enterprise, Black Women's Network, Congress of National Black Churches, Black Security Execs, National Association of Black Journalists, National Association of Black Telecom Professionals, Congressional Black Caucus, African American Male Empowerment Summit, Blacks in Government, Harvard Black Law Students Association, National Alliance of Black School Educators, National Association of Black Accountants, National Association of Black SCUBA Divers (seriously?), Black Nurses Association, National Association of Black-Owned Broadcasters, National Black Flight Attendants of America, International Black Film Festival, etc.
Enough is enough, OP. Blacks are openly racist, and it's socially acceptable. This has to end.
Auswitz is back for black
White guy here. I do support BLM, unironically.
>Thinking life has some kind of intrinsic value beyond the value placed on individuals by others individuals
Everyone is a child, I swear.
Pull the trigger kill a nigger
Because black people are regularly treated much more violently by police and nobody does anything about it. They are right to be angry and they're right to demand action. I'm not a self-hating white, I just think their grievances are totally legitimate and I stand by them.
Supporting a "protest" group that induces violence and grief on cops who's jobs are to keep people safe.
>Some cops are dirty and racist
MLK would be ashamed to what black rights protests has become.
Niggers are dead to me
Yea a nigger feels like he is entitled to what a white man has without having to work for it and feels like they are owed because their ancestors were sold from Africa to America to become slaves. A black persons comprehends that and provides for himself/herself and/or family and moves on with life because what happened with slaves and the MLK movement didn't affect him personally and wasn't ever whipped and being forced to call himself Toby in his/her.
It's because on average, black people commit more violent crime and act more violently towards police. That's why I don't do anything about it, and that's why I don't support those nogs.
But now BLM calls for violence against Police, do you support that? Do you support BLM protests turning into riots that destroy cities and cause looting?
These niggers are sub human violent animals you must treat them as such you cant treat these beasts as equals they must be dominated. Or they will try to dominate you.
Chris Rock, my friends... he explained this years ago.
How do you know the media just isn't over-reporting police brutality against blacks?
Also it's statistically probable that blacks will be victims of more police brutality as they have more run ins with the police overall, due to the fact that they commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime in the US.
And you can't say nobody does anything about it, because most of the time a black is unjustly shot by the police it becomes a national or international news story with subsequent protests against the police which sometimes include violence and murder. We should trial officers who use unjust force and kill innocents for murder, but we shouldn't murder police officers back or say that everything is a racist conspiracy by the American Government.
There are white people and there are christian belt white trash.
There are african americans and there are niggers.
There are latinos and there are spics.
Every race has its ups and downs, we just try to cut the tail to raise the average, but the tail is BLM.
>violence against Police, do you support that? Do you support BLM protests turning into riots that destroy cities and cause looting?
No, I don't. The message gets lost here.
The message behind the movement makes sense. However, the movement itself and the notion that cops are anti-black, doesn't make sense.
Cops on average kill more white people per year through police shootings.
This whole movement was started on a lie. Michael Brown, the giant innocent angel supposedly had his hands up and was shot while complying with a routine traffic stop.
This was found to be false. Black Lives Matter is nothing but ignorance of low intelligence who have nothing better to do.
I lived in a hood/ghetto during the time of the Michael Brown shooting. The real hood niggas or gangbangers didn't give a fuck. They're used to people being killed by either cops or by other black people and it's usually over petty shit like shoes or deals gone wrong.
It's brainwashed liberal college kids and people with nothing better to do who are out there protesting in the streets.
>being human
>not liking women with feminine penises
Explain yourself
Did you get banned from Sup Forums for posting blacked threads or something?
Well unfortunately you do when you talk about supporting BLM
If you want to support black rights, or ending police brutality by all means go ahead
But BLM is a protest organization with an agenda, if they support rioting and you say you support them, then you also support the rioting.
This mistake is made all too often by non-black supporting BLM
You contradict your own terms in your opening.
Human does not equate with just black humans.
All humans matter the same.
Although to be fair I don't rate all human life as high as something like my dog or those that share close DNA profiles as myself (family).
In conclusion, you can all just go and fucking die because I seriously do not give a monkeys about the whole lot of you.
I'm black and I don't support BLM. please stop this bait
For fucks sake....
I kinda want a ball bra now...
Thanks, user. Fucking thanks....
Black lives matter does not care about what's best for black people in america, they have their own agenda and just want to kill cops.
I support the death of the cop in my brain, you should too.
#1 - It is your sworn duty as a white male to kill at least one nigger a day until there are none left.
#2 - Brazil has been banned from the internet and gaming companies shall no longer merge NA and PT servers
#3 - Stating that there are more than two genders will result in imprisonment. Mental illness thoughts are now illegal.
#4 - Every $15/hour activist will now be ordered to spend one month in China in a Chinese sweat shop factory, without pay.
#5 - Traps/furries will have their own /mentalillness/ board
#6 - WWYD/FB + IG/"my cousin"/"my sister" and other cancerous threads will now have their own board as well.
#7 - Being fat is now illegal. You will be constricted to a healthy and strict diet.
More to come
Fuck you and BLM. The truth is that in fact No Lives Matter.
Nigger lives don't matter
They're a bunch of middle class whiners who see only the rich celebrities and therefore think they're poor and oppressed.
Got called privileged when I went to University for being white by a middle class white woman, even though my dad was a drug addict and my mum was a teen and I grew up without either of them around. These people are so fucking out of touch with the people they claim to be fighting for
As a former WoW and League of Legends player, I full support executive order #2. Please include China on the list. Holy fuck getting Chinese teammates in a MOBA is a guaranteed loss. Why the fuck do they play on NA servers?
I don't think blacks are the worst people on the planet, ive met a few good niggers. Regardless, NO LIVES MATTER, really does anything?(Btw whites are superior)
Its stupid to say that animals have rights
Edgy as fuck m8 xd
Because its a joke. This isn't the 50's/60's america.