How are whites still hanging on? What could keep them going at this point...

How are whites still hanging on? What could keep them going at this point? They've humiliated themselves and been exposed as the most contemptible race. Isn't it time to call it a day and commit mass suicide?

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Okay I'll watch first and if it looks fun I'll do it too

I'm not white though. That's for whites to do

Cause whites have a purpose. Other races get in the way with their stereotypical shenanigans

this. I haven't lived a day in my life without a plan or motivation to go out and grab the world by the pussy.

Whitee will always be superior. This is a simple truth he knows in his heart.

Other races know it as well.

Whitee is going through some humiliation though. Not unlike China in the 19th century.

Whites don't have any purpose other than doing evil

They must've had a long drive, pretty sleepy.

Black people have a deep rooted inferiority complex towards white people.
>I feel kinda bad for them. Most of the American black culture is overcompensation

She's like
>FUCK YEAH, he got money!

Why is that kid being racist? What's he get from that?

>The Puss

Whites are a sleepy bunch

it's a nigger so whatever he gets it's gonna stink

Why do white dudes have such ugly dicks?

>red/pink tip


ikr. working those jobs with those long hours, must find sleep anywhere they can get it

They're inferior to black ones



where does posting on Sup Forums fall into this plan?

The Muslims are coming...

Blacks only have bigger dicks because they were the whites slave toys. All the small dick ones werent allowed to reproduce causing that to be weeded out of most blacks

They get tired from their killing sprees

they're so loving, they can't help that it overwhelms them into crimes of passion.

But the same thing won't be said when a black guy murders someone