/prod/ general

Production general!

>Production Resources:
>Pastebin - Links, books, videos, articles, tutorials and stuff
pastebin.com/pYGCLu6q (embed)

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors
There's a severe lack of DAW descriptions in the wiki. If you're good with your tool of choice, consider writing a paragraph about it.

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why don't y'all link to busyworkbeats anymore?

>tfw just pirated ableton
>been using fl studio for like a month
Is it worth learning ableton or should i just stick to fl for producing?

so I use linux and I don't plan to switching to windows or buying a mac anytime soon

what are my options as far as DAWs go?

What do you all think? I'm trying to go for a excision-like sound. Any tips?

>dubstep, industrial

what's that? link pls?


LMMS is pretty alright.


but really does anyone have any good tutorial series or anything? i just wanna be a pop producer already

Are those the drum packs of BasedGutta?

just learn a DAW, they're all the same if you know what you're doing. FFS a guy was nominated for a grammy and he produces on his iphone

read the manual. learn what the plugins do and learn how to use them. producing something good will take you a lot of time or luck

YUP! lol basedgutta is the fucking man

>a guy was nominated for a grammy and he produces on his iphone

Hey you know those guys who literally go into record stores, cop a bunch of random shit and sample it. Do they nee clearances? If so, do they ever get busted? I think 9th wonder does that shit

I knew it I fucking knew it. All you dubstep motherfuckers have your sample cut to start RIGHT at the drop so it's always guaranteed ear rape.

On the other hand, your basses, drum sounds, and rhythms are uninspired shit garbage.

If you think that's earrape you're a pleb. I'll post some actual top-shelf, patrician earrape if you want to have your eyes/eardrums opened to a bigger, louder world.


Noise trap beat I made. Nah inspired.

What do you guys think?

do you have any pictures other than that one on your hard drive?

I use this picture to give myself some sort of identity.

yeh I know I'm just pulling you leg

been throwing some easter jamz together. I've already made like three variations of this today idk if I should trash this one as well. Not sure if it works

People usually only get busted if the track gains a lot of popularity and the artist or label that was sampled is looking for some easy cash, but it's still technically "stealing".

pretty kewl... really like the bass.

Me: clyp.it/oush5awb

Guy you responded to. I really like the sounds you chose here, it's creepy, childlike, and noisy at the same time. Inspiring shit.

Name a piano vst that doesnt sound like absolute garbage

Have you guys got some rituals that gets you in the mood to produce some tunes?

I struggle with motivation a lot

The Grandeur.

Production wise or inspiration wise?

What I do is go on a walk while listening to an album I haven't heard before. Always gets me inspired afterwards.

Or sometimes I'll do some photoshop that looks like track art and the emotions I evoke from that inspires me to make a song.

Production wise

That might be an idea, thanks

i like it, especially the bells.... only thing i would recommend is maybe less compression on the bass synth and more low end on the drums/lkick

Learn Renoise

If you're sampling things and they are either still recognisable when you've finishing messing with them or famous enough to get sued over you are doing it wrong.

Doesn't matter what you use. The more you learn in one the better. I tell anyone who wants to produce, ableton's got a 1-2 month learning curve where you're going to just learn the little shit and hate it but then you'll start putting out 1 min long stuff and get the hang of layouts and what not. I love ableton though. Im pretty bias on the fact that I like that daw

fuck off. I make what I like and I enjoy it. You probably produce some super indie techno that literally forces you to sniff your own shit while you listen to it.

Also its wip...there is no intro yet and its not finished. Maybe the only reason its ear rape is because you jack off to the whisperings of NPR all day and never have your volume set lower than max

Tried to make the most generic song I could and ended up during it into a dick joke. Does the joke work at all, or should I just throw this cringe out?

someone post something dope to sample


Sure and I'll also put a beat over it for you and then toss you off to completion.

i always get a good banger going after i sacrifice a chicken

>the guy with the filthy glasses


some beat i made at 140 bpm lol

Happiest beat of all time that I've created


Jorman God - Happy Beat


wtf are you niggers doing

If anyone wants a good youtube channel about production, "Pyramind" is a great channel with well-produced videos that go in depth about all sorts of various areas of production.

listen once man

its a happy beat

it's not in the op this time, but jbenitex will post no matter what

it's not even really that happy though


>Celebgirl music (or celebrity girl music, or celebrity babygirl music)[16] is a microgenre of electronic music[2] and an Internet meme[17] that emerged in the mid-2010s.[2] The style typically features a fascination with female celebrities, particularly young Hollywood actresses. The subculture associated with celebgirl music sets out to "exalt celebrities and their beauty"[6] and occasionally uses pornographic celebrity fakes to this end.[7] It tends to be characterized by a visual style of Palladian and Roman interior architecture, as well as interior architecture which is seen as being associated with socialite celebrities.[3]

>tfw always produce the best late at night but I know if I stay up too late I'll be grumpy and will have diminished prodding abilities tomorrow

Sometimes I genuinely wish I didn't have to sleep

I have the bass like that because I want it to cut out the highs. It's an interesting effect that i don't hear often. But I'll try and tone it down to hear what it sounds like.


Any thoughts on how I can improve this mix, or on the track in general?

jesus christ these threads fucking blow ass now