Haven't seen a Sup Forums Personality Chart thread in fucking years. GET IN HERE CUNTS

Haven't seen a Sup Forums Personality Chart thread in fucking years. GET IN HERE CUNTS

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll start off with mine

self check

inb4 turns into a get thread



Can you post a better copy of the template? That one is pretty grainy. Can't neatly color fill the squares and stuff.

this is the only one I could find. they aren't that common surprisingly

Never mind. Here it is.

don't see a difference between either of them

roast me

I just looked up Sup Forums templates on google images. There are a shit load.


This thread might be pruned before I can finish it. I had a made one before but can't find it.

survival games are overdone and shitty. get some real taste

what do you write about?
also, checked

apparently you're an incredibly massive faggot

Most, if not all, of the shit I write focuses on religious themes, and is usually set in some historical time period. It's nothing serious though, just a hobby for me to get better at writing and I like to spend a few hours a day coming up with random shit no one will ever read.

How come?

look at the bottom of your template


Oh, haha. Didn't even realize that.

religious themes never interested me. assuming you're a religious man?


I used to be, now I'm an agnostic.

I'm doing a bachelor religious studies when I start uni this year though, as I find religions and the history behind them really interesting.


how do you even find cocaine? theres none over here in nz

also howd you get into blacksmithing? always wanted to try it but seems really tough


ayyy im agnostic too! i think people often confuse themselves with being atheist and agnostic. lots of people claim to be atheist but really i think they're just uneducated on the subject

how do you afford internet, a computer and all those games if you're so poor?


Here in australia its fucking expensive and difficult
Best bet is try to get a weed dealer to hook you up with some bikies
Also, blacksmithing can be good to get into, your best bet is a "shithouse" forge like i got, its just a bucket made out of a concrete mae out of sand, plaster and water, with the inner hole filled with charcoal, and a hairdryer duct taped to a steel pipe for air intake. For an anvil either go to your local bunnings or use a piece of railway track


AMA of course

why u virgin

>had some pretty advanced AUTISM

but im working on it, met a beautiful girl yesterday and we get along perfectly

>met a girl yesterday
>get along perfectly

just wait 1 month. i aint trying to dissapoint you bro but... just take what you want and leave.

Well, it actually was on skype a month ago (she's our new guitarist), and yesterday I met her in RL the first time...
trust me; Grils are usually not that attaching (chilling on your stomach etc.) on the first meeting, the fact that she didnt do this with my friend (we were in his room with him the whole time) only confirms my theory...

good life

do you blaze it daily?

You need to commit suicide immediately fam.

Trying to keep it 3-4 a week, pretty expensive. I would if i had the money tho
will do

The "gender identitiy" box is switched to "salary"


Just stop beeing such a weed-Identifying fag.
Been there, done that

Need a 'level of motivation' box


>Sex life it's 4 points

Well this is me pretty much


I fap four times a day and recieve nudes from somebody I dont necessarily care about, its still more than nothing at all...

Nice, someone who play PoE



La bestemmia è un tocco di classe


Awesome game , 1000+ hours on it ,waiting for 3.0

Can you show some of your works of "blender"?


Very, very good taste in music. If it's true that you've read AND enjoyed those books, good for you. I've read all of that and hated it, can't imagine modern people actually enjoying it... But whatever

wow theres a lot of intelligent people on Sup Forums

>intelligence 100%
>confidence 60%

Somebody is very unaware of himself...



Yeah I really enjoyed the books I've listed there, and I also can't imagine most modern people enjoying them either. Maybe it's just me.

If it wasn't for /lit/ though I wouldn't even have known about half of those books.

Pod sa bit kamo


>intelligence 8
>fav movie kung pow

I started 2 weeks ago because i quit my studie so i am still a noob

Its all in perspective, what I think is intelligent may seem dumb to somebody else.


Most smart people I know suffer from a lot of pressure. Sometimes it's nice to escape reality and relieve some stress.

>top movie Jason Bourne
>too book Jason Bourne
Thank god you don't live in my country you retard. And we made your stupid movie.



it's me

I have over 3000h, done 40/40 and got my first Head Hunter this league


its still hard to believe that everyone who posted in the thread has above average intelligence
its more like people are not really self-aware

I've been lurking here too long.

tits or gtfo

Yeah, agreeing 100% to that. Some people in this thread are way over their head


hey NZ/b/ro
shit taste in movies, tv & books.

you seem like a faggot but how good is the broken empire trilogy

"The man who knows that he knows, knows nothing.

The man who knows, that he doesnt know at least knows something."


I gave up at 32/40 and still no HH after like a million chances. howd you get yours ? you have steam?


r8 no h8
[s]JUST me up famiglia[/s]

(if sweden legalizes weed)
m8 you will have sharia law before that.

would hang out with
which part of hungary?

oh wait, Liam Neeson in Exalibur

they gone Sup Forumsro sorry.


What software do people use to edit these?

just paint for the most part, but some kniggas put in effort

ms Paint

you seem kl af, would chill

negro lord


Ms paint
Its free!

r8 m8s