Why isn't Hillary in prison yet?

Why isn't Hillary in prison yet?

Thoughts, theories, ideas?

For all the treasonous acts, you think something would have been done about it by now.

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Because I fucked your mom

Because the election is over - we care as much about sending Hillary to jail as much as we want to Trump to release his taxes

A typical Liberal response, this just raised my feeling of self-worth tenfold.

Typical murrican response, make as much narrative in your own head as possible to fake your superiority

really no logical answer i can see unless an arab somewhere paid off some investigators somewhere. evidence against her was iron-clad and she weasled her way out after her associates perjured themselves multiple times. she'd be safer in prison anyway imo, soros dumped all that money into her campaign and didn't get shit for a return on his investment

t. 2 cents

Kek is waiting.

Soon a fragment of the fbi will splinter off from the corrupt half and launch a covert investigation.

As they near the final answear, hillary and the shadow group that is behind the satanic rituals will be found trying to sabotage trump. They will be caught red handed sacrificing a child to moloch, only for the unsung heroes of the twisted fbi and cia to meddel in their ritual, causing it to backfire and allow trump to accend to his true form.


Because the FBI investigated her and cleared her of any wrong doing. No criminal charges were brought.

That's how the law works in a civilised country.

Sense and logic

>asks why Hillary isn't in prison
>lists alleged crimes that she didn't even do

Are you in Trump's cabinet by any chance?

At the very least we know she a) perjured herself b) destroyed evidence pertaining to an fbi investigation and c) mishandled classified information.

This was proven. Why no prison?

all hail kek

Well, Trump is in power. So if there was any genuine cover up, he would now know about it having been briefed by the security services. And if that evidence existed, he would be able to make it public, and get rid of one of his primary political adversaries.

The fact that he hasn't done that, when he's done pretty much everything else he promised to do, suggests that that evidence simply doesn't exist. That there was no cover up. That the FBI decision not to pursue charges was the right one. And that the whole thing was a load of bullshit, leveraged by the FBI and the Trump campaign to make Hillary look crooked.

Because you can't jail a politician for each slight screw up. She has been reviewed by the judicial branch and the FBI and have found no wrong doing on her part. I wonder why Trump isn't in jail for all his slime lord business stuff but he is so slippery you can't pin him down. He funnels money through other things to keep his illegal activities clean like he did with Cuba during the embargo.

The ability to avoid just punishment is tied to how much money you have. She's rich. She can do whatever the fuck she wants.

Because the severity of those actions wasn't sufficient enough to warrant an investigation, trial and prison sentence. It's really not hard.

There is evidence that most of Trump's administration are still using unsecured email servers, exactly what they accused Hillary of doing. Simple fact is that that it's not really that big a deal. It was just one of the few things they could attack her with, so it was blown up out of all proportion. And you fell for it.

>gave her housemaid with no clearance access to classified documents

>just a "slight screw-up" no big deal, she's a politician afterall

>soldiers who did far less irresponsible things with classified documents in leavenworth right now serving prison sentences

you arguments are both bullshit honestly

Trump just used the whole Hillary thing as a point for rabid anti Democratic morons to latch on to when he was campaigning. He never had any intention of locking her up in the slightest. He has backed out of that as well as his "Drain the Swamp" stances. Like a used car salesman he did and said anything to sell you a shit car or in this case a shit president. If Hillary ever felt there was a chance she would have been locked up would she have bothered to go to his inauguration?

Who should be put on trial for the Seals death in Yemen then? I would say her maid is probably far more qualified then some of Trumps people are with secured documents by the number of leaks coming from the White House now.

oh my fucking god why are we still talking about hillary

Why are you so obviously trying to derail the topic and change the subject? Address the topic, stop avoiding it like a little bitch.

i don't believe the FBI went belly up on this one. they were told to back off in order not to jinx the election against her.
now, the election didn't turn out the way it was thought it would; so somewhere in langley a group loyal to the government is probably starting to look deeper into the whole situation, both pre and post election.

this isn't over. they'll be back. and a lot more people will end up going down than would have before the election.

her loss may just result in a cleanup of corrupted elements within all the government agencies.

Well you didn't really add anything other then mentioning a maid without any evidence. I bet it was some sort of dubious claim made by a person or organization without any evidence. Probably would claim that anyone Hilary talked to was given top secret documents to look over.

Yet again there was no evidence of wrong doing found on her part. She was the scary of state and an underfunded embassy and CIA compound were attacked. Hillary was Overseeing thousands of those and it was her sole responsibility for every one of them? Shit happens in war and when you don't have a clearly defined enemy you can't account for everything.

Corruption is the only explanation there Is.

Wake up you moron. She's had people killed.

>Hillary was Overseeing thousands of those and it was her sole responsibility for every one of them? Shit happens in war and when you don't have a clearly defined enemy you can't account for everything.

Holy shit, CTR back in full force. That was literally her job as Secretary of State, you fucking dunce. kek

You ask why Hillary isn't in prison and post a list of accusations against her husband?

This sums up how fucking stupid Trump supporters are.

>overseeing thousands of US embassies

>there's 294 US embassies on the entire planet

Or were you implying it's her job to oversee every CIA compound on the planet as well? Because that was never a responsibility of hers. You are clearly a fucking retard.

At what point did I say "pic related"? Pretty sure I never did although when you bring up her husband I guess they are very closely related. How fucking stupid are YOU precisely?

No actual evidence to those claims other the specious ones

I am well aware of that it was her job. But without the funding to increase security in one location with evidence that attacks could happen at hundreds of locations coming in it was going to happen.

It they increase security in the Saudi embassy because of Intel of an potential attack. But one happens in Libya without as much information is it the person in charge who is far removed from the situations fault? If that is so why stop at Hillary? Obama appointed her so isn't it his fault that the attack happened? Back to the Yemen incident recently that was poorly planned with no enough information who do we blame for that? There are too many variables going on to blame someone for something going wrong every time it does.

Then on to the email situation which is another thing that seems completely ridiculous to charge someone for doing. Especially it seems that Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice both used private emails for sensitive material and they haven't been given the same treatment. It seems a lot of people used private email for sensitive material in the past. Was it right? Probably lying not and won't happen in the future now. But to single out Hillary without solid evidence of wrong doing seems rather petty and a personal attack against her.

The head of the FBI literally came days before the election and heavily implicated her in a fresh email scandal, with precisely zero evidence. Actions which are widely believed to have tipped the election in Trump's favour. Or did you miss that bit?

>soldiers who did far less irresponsible things with classified documents in leavenworth right now serving prison sentences

Your entire argument is based on hearsay and conjecture. You don't think that the FBI maybe looked into this? Or did they need to call you up, random user from Sup Forums to give them the lead they missed? Fucking conspiracy nuts, you're all deluded.

People this in this much denial would have you believe that there's no evidence that germs exist.

Enjoy the house the clinton's bought you, or enjoy your mild dementia. Maybe enjoy both.

>And the Russians and invaded and hacked every voting station in the US!

>A-a-and we need a recount (but we'd look stupid for saying that in public so we'll just pay for Jill Stein's recount behind closed doors)

>A-a-and we'll make whiney commercials to try and convince the Electoral College not to vote for him (even though them doing so in a lot of places would literally break the law)

>A-a-and it's just not fair!

She's pretty much a witch.
A witch with massive SJW appeal.

Because she hasn't committed any actual crimes

I never said any of that. So classic strawman argument from you there. Well done.

But the idea that the FBI held off on Hillary is nonsense. It's hugely telling that you retards are STILL banging on about Hillary even now. Your boy won! He's in the Oval office! He's making a fucking hash of things! You can't blame Hillary any more. She's a private citizen. Your the ones in charge now. Suck it up.

I see you have no arguments except to insult back. Thank you for giving up and proving my point. Enjoy your delusions that make you happy and content. Take care


The right's need to invalidate any argument or protest by claiming that it's been paid for is always amusing. It's always the right that's backed by the really big money, not the left. That's why Trump's cabinet is full of billionaires. Drain the swamp? Ha.

Looking forward to coming back here when Trump's retarded policies take away your health coverage and fuck up the economy.

At least 800,000 proven so far


It's a little telling that Obama called an end to the recount in Michigan, no? Almost like they were about to be found out for something.....whole thing just conveniently went away.

There's nothing "proven" in that article. It says that it's a possibility. An extrapolated estimate. Something to be seriously considered and investigate? Yes.

>Using other measuring tools, they said, the actual number of noncitizen voters could be as low as 38,000 and as high as 2.8 million.

Hardly open and shut, is it?

There's also significant allegations of the Republicans deliberately suppressing minority voters, especially in swing states.

It's depressing, frankly. All I want is an election where the citizens all get to vote. All this gerrymandering on both sides is counter productive and threatens our democracy.

Even if that was true which the article doesn't quite prove. It even state it is based on estimated amounts based off extrapolations based off statistics that it was possible. Even the person who did that math said it was PLAUSIBLE but not fact. Just as it is PLAUSIBLE that Trump got help from Russia whether he knew it or not.

quads don't lie

The Clinton's have "the goods" on Trump, and are holding this over his head in return for nothing happening to her/them.


>"could have" voted

kys faggot

FFS. What more could they possibly have?

Everyone knows he's a corrupt, bankrupt, tax dodging, lying, bigoted, racist, sexual assaulting narcissistic traitor. What the fuck else is there left to have on him?

That makes no sense. If they had "the goods" on Trump she'd be president right now.

Gee.... I wonder....

Like Trump held over Obama with his birth certificate?

I really doubt that because it seems like all the bullshit we know about Trump doesn't mean anything why would anything more mean anything to the morons that follow him?

How when Trump is pumping every agency full of the most corrupt scumbags?

Incestious pedofile?

TBH, we already know that, too.

Cause Trump is guilty of worse, and they have the evidence

Good question, OP.

Trump never said he would put Hillary Clinton in jail himself, he said that he would make sure Congress would have access to all the information they needed to conduct an investigation, which is still ongoing, but Congress STILL can't get access to the information they need.

I told everybody from the start of the campaign that something wasn't right. Hillary and Trump knew each other well for most of their adult lives and Trump himself says he was never a Republican.

The next 8 years will be very interesting.

Because the justice system is fucking slow. that and you need to be 100% prepared before you even start the case, because you only get one shot.

I wonder...

only a fool believes anything dirty donnie says

You mean 4

He meant 2. That's how long it will take for him to get impeached.

No, the Left is single handedly ensuring a full 8 years with their ridiculous bullshit.

The Left still hasn't learned even after such a hilarious election cycle.

"All the treasonous acts". Another Kool-Aid drinker.

kek has spoken

Not the same guy, but I doubt Trump will get impeached. Neither Bush (Sr & Jr) were impeached, and they both started wars based on a lie.

He'll probably only be a one term president though. He took office with the lowest approval rating ever and has lost supporters over his bullshit.

Because the whole white house does this, and have been for the past fucking century. You act as if corruption was something new. Trump isn't even different. The establishment is still there.

Where are you getting that information?

You realize Trump's actual approval rating based on just the election alone is more than half the country views his election as positive right?

"Trump is doing exactly what he said" - CNN Politics


Do you ask why Bush isnĀ“t in jail?

He called Hillary Clinton a crook.
You bought it.
Then he paid $25 million to settle a fraud lawsuit.

He said he'd release his tax returns, eventually.
You bought it.
He hasn't, and says he never will.

He said he'd divest himself from his financial empire, to avoid any conflicts of interest.
You bought it.
He is still heavily involved in his businesses, manipulates the Stock Market on a daily basis, and has more conflicts of interest than can even be counted.

He said Clinton was in the pockets of Goldman Sachs, and would do whatever they said.
You bought it.
He then proceeded to put half a dozen Goldman Sachs executives in positions of power in his administration.

He said he'd surround himself with all the best and smartest people.
You bought it.
He nominated End-Times theocratic loon Mike Pence for Vice President. A white supremacist named Steve Bannon is his most trusted confidant. Dr. Ben Carson, the world's greatest idiot savant brain surgeon, is in charge of HUD. Russian quisling Rex Tillerson is Secretary of State.

He said he'd be his own man, beholden to no one.
You bought it.
He then appointed Betsy DeVos -whose only "qualifications" were the massive amounts of cash she donated to his campaign- as Secretary of Education.

He said he knew more about strategy and terrorism than the Generals did.
You bought it.
He promptly gave the green light to a disastrous raid in Yemen- even though all his Generals said it would be a terrible idea. This raid resulted in the deaths of a Navy SEAL, an 8-year old girl, and numerous civilians. The actual target of the raid escaped, and no useful intel was gained.

He said Hillary Clinton couldn't be counted on in times of crisis.
You bought it.
He didn't even bother overseeing that raid in Yemen; and instead spent the time hate-tweeting the New York Times, and sleeping.

He'll be a single term president if a third party gets going or the Democrat party falls apart / reforms.

As it looks now, he'll be a two term president. The Democrats are completely bought and sold by corporations.

Because she's running again in 2020.

that is bullshit

>only 55% of the country voted in 2016
>Hillary wins the popular vote

>hurr durr more than half the country views his election as positive

Just because you don't like Trump and the entire MSM tells you something, that doesn't make it true.

If it were the case, then why didn't Hillary win when every MSM outlet said she had a 99% chance of winning for the entire election cycle, and right up until the election results were read she was still going to win because "Trump has no path to Victory"


Because it's a country where politicians are allowed to get away with corruption

>what are polls and how do they work?

>Trump won the election when over half the country didnt vote for him
>Hillary has a 99% chance of winning the election because nobody will vote for Trump
>Thats a fact

>mfw Trump wins

Good question, you claim those same flawed polls with biased results claim Trumps approval rating is the lowest of any president.

Choose an argument and stick with it faggot.


I dont think theyd jail her over rape allegations against her husband


they have since been corrected

>media polls American public
>polls favor HRC
>HRC wins popular vote

>b-but the polls wuz biased


No they didn't poll the American public. The Left polled their OWN viewers.


>CNN Politics

fake news

I think Trump is saving her imprisonment for a special occasion, like a party favor.

this guy gets it. you sheeple don't think. bluepilled cucks.

Yeah, typical correct response. Why isn't she in jail though? Can you give me a real response without memes?

Actually most of them used the 2010 PEW research numbers for voter registrations to determine sample sizes, when in fact they should have used the 2015 PEW numbers, which had an increased amount of republican and independent registrations, and a reduced amount of democrat registrations. They chose to stick with the 2010 ratios so that they could sample a greater amount of democrats to "get results" that looked better for HRC.

>implying you'd call the election for the candidate with far less votes
Nice source you've got there.

because pissbois were gullible enough to believe President Peabody

Did you not watch the news OP?

Alright, so in the words of Donald Trump:

"That plays great before the election. Now we don't care"


Sooooo the conspiracy is this:

(are you strapped in? Good.)

Painting Hillary as a criminal was part of a politically motivated smear campaign to win Donald Trump the office of POTUS.


Shocking, I know.

Oh yeah, I mean, don't get me wrong. The woman is shady as fuck. As president it would just be 4 more years of democrat business as usual; Slow economic growth and a petulant opposition party throwing whatever spanners in the works they deem fit. The rich would benefit and the rest of the population would see their day to day lives utterly unaffected.

So far so stale political commentary.

But to believe that a rich & powerful person would go to prison after an fbi investigation led by a republican crony found insufficient evidence of wrongdoing is just babytown levels of naivity.

Saying that. This is president Bannon we are talking about. I wouldn't be surprised if he did set up special prosecutors for political opponents within the next 4 years. In fact, I woudl be more surprised if he didn't. There are plenty of outspoken women in the democrat party that needs to be silenced for the sake of brevity.

Maybe take a leaf or two out of the kremlin playbook and start feeding polonium to people who won't shut the fuck up.

>things with 8% probability CAN NEVER happen

Sup Forumss official statistician right here


Same reason Trump isn't in prison.
"Important" people don't go to prison, no email fuckup or pussy grab will ever cause that.

he drinks pee pee !!!!

well, how is she "important" now?
Her political career is dead and will stay dead.