How can i get my mom to have sex with me???

how can i get my mom to have sex with me???

pic related

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with a cuntstick that small you'd be lucky to get anyone to have sex with you

thats not all of it lol, had to take pic at a weird angle to get her in it

we need a pic of your mom to make sure it's worth the effort

You don't you sicko.

If you really gonna try you should try drugging her.
Most mothers would never fuck their sons willingly.

Break both of your arms

cum in her purse

What's with the q-tips?





last week she was talking about how incest was ok in other idea why

i used to bang my mom.. but it helps if you come from a fucked up family where your mom is open to that sort of thing.

if your mom is normal and not into that, you're going to have a hard time pulling it off. My best advice would be to get her slightly drunk. give her a massage. Then start rubbing up her thighs. If you then start just rubbing her pussy right.. the feeling of how amazing it is might take over and she might be ok with it from there.

or maybe not. but honestly that is probably your best bet.

let her catch you pulling one off,leave your door open a little and set her up a few times to watch you and give her a good show and see what she does while you jerk off

I still say drug her. Talk is one thing. Action is another.

give us more of your mom

nah...busted a nut, now im disgusted

me when i watch some fucked up porn after i nut i feel disgusted

Oh Sup Forums you never fail to amuse me

dont be a faggot

What are you doing with the q-tips?

I wish OP would do something stupid and reveal himself. Then we could show his mom this thread.

This is the dudes wife/gf. You are all fucking gullible twits.

Prolly putting it down hos pee pee hole.

he shoves them up his ass.


OP is a faggot. that's not your mom

go watch “Spanking The Monkey” 1994 for ideas... get her liquored.

I feel like guys that want to fuck their moms must not have had a close bonding relationship with them as a child. Then when they get older they get get so lonely they turn to the one chick who ever hangs out with them, mom.

My mother sheltered us, wiped out noses, cooked everynight, read bedtime stories, washed out clothes, helped us with homework, rubbed out backs when we were sick, go us medecine.......

So I could never see her sexually, I can only see her like the guardian angel that she is.

I feel really really sorry for guys who want to be sexual with their moms, what fucked up lonely life they must have.

>My mother sheltered us, wiped out noses, cooked everynight, read bedtime stories, washed out clothes, helped us with homework, rubbed out backs when we were sick, go us medecine.......
>So I could never see her sexually, I can only see her like the

What I am thinking too. I feel sorry for you OP. Fuck her anyway.

thinking that* too