ITT: God-tier YouTubers

ITT: God-tier YouTubers

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H3 is now shit, he declined slowly, then some idubbbz collabs were ok, (logan paul one) then back to shit, pretty much unwatchable

Now laturtle, he is class, as goes with bowservids

>he declined slowly
Compared to what?

Sam hyde of mde (million dollar extreme). Just incase nobody knows yet.

old stuff used to be better, now it is crap


You start



hey whats up guys


Sam Hyde


Yeeee boooiiiii


I miss the old Ethan, straight from Israel Ethan

Not up there as far as number of subscribers and popularity, but he's my favorite. The most real and down-to-earth YouTuber in my opinion


Pewdiepie is actually not half bad

After that last vid, this faggot is my god.

Comfy videos.

New PewDiePie
Rob Scallon
Jared Hines
Glenn Fricker (SpectreSoundStudios)
Rob Chapman

What's name user?

the real guy, the best guy

nah he just does the same stuff every time and is still hooked on the dead 'triggered' meme

EVERYONE TYPE INTO THE CHAT "Alex is a stupid nigger"

>god-tier anything on YouTube

Andrew Hales. His channel is called LAHWF. Look up Asking People What They're Talking About and tell me what you think

the german youtuber Gronkh because he's the only one I'd let my children watch.

funny, but nothing from youtube is godtier. except for maybe this


Does anybody know what happened to JonTron?

he ded

Filthy Frank is pretty great, but his music as Joji is fucking otherworldly.

Thom legit made me orgasm.


new pewdiepie
same shit, different package. I prefered it when there was some game to watch so you didnt notice his shit.

Idubbz, Filthy Frank are just persona's created to satire edgy 15 year olds. It's sad to see adults taking it so serious.

This. FF is absolute garbage. His music out of character is amazing tho.

My favorite youtuber is....

--------To be continued-------->



I don't get what's so great about PewDiePie. He's a little annoying to me. But nobody is as bad as Joey Graceffa.

Check out Charles caswell

the only true answer

See I'm different. I'm not into lets plays and all that shit. it's just boring to me. He's very entertaining to me now and I like how he gives everyone shit and isn't afraid to mess around and doesn't feel he has to be politically correct.

Children thinking that they are alt because they listen to "secret" filthy frank music.

This guy should be bigger than he is.


Very small channel but lots of laughs all around

Implying you believe everyone thinks filthy frank is his actual persona.



oh yeaah

chris ray gun and jontron

this -

She is cute as hell but doesn't seem very smart

funny and catchy. thank you for the laugh, and fuck you for getting this stuck in my head

>rob chapman

the dude made a documentary about himself and how amazing of a guitarist he is

I'm sure you aren't the brightest bulb either :^)

eggdaddy's been my fave for a couple years now

I just find her dull and annoying

you ever watch this guy?

Baking is comfy. You don't cook your own food, do you?

is that only use me blade

based idubbz

never heard of him, I usually just stick to books or Jens Larsen

I do. I don't make videos of me doing it though while giggling about a superficial life


if theres any canadians here, James Pawson has a good channel full of red pills.


her commentary isn't that bad either.

You sound every bit as shallow, though.


JIDF detected.

I liked him for the first few clogs I started to watch back in the day. Then I started to realize how negative of an attitude he always has especially around others.

Still find some of his "pranks" funny tho.

used to really like kostff, but his bitchy voice made me hate him over time

Sargon of akkad


He's the epitome of every mid life crisis shredder. It was even more accurate when he had dreads. Absolutely the type of dude to wear shorts in winter.

found the special sowflake

I just watch him for entertainment mostly. I take anything he has to say with a grain of salt with all those what seem like sponsored reviews with Andertons. Sometimes it seems all he can do is maximum shred all the time.

I think I'd get along with Lee better. He's a better guitarist than he thinks.

Balding Science Man

If you've never heard of him go watch his newest upload, he's very satire, you can see the filthy frank influence. Definitely recommend him to all u niggers

This guy has swallowed a whole bottle of red pills

Morris 108

wackyred15 > all other youtubers

He's shorter than I expected.

Also check out AvE, any mechanics or engineers. Funniest badass ever. His humor is just macho as fuck


I can understand that. I think he has minor depression, which would make sense. But I still find him genuine and I know he doesn't care about becoming famous

I do like watching Lee try to hide how annoyed he his by Rob's GAIN ALL THE WAY UP SHRED SHRED SHRED shit. I wish he'd man up and just say, 'hey buddy, wanna turn the gain down a little bit?' more often

Roasting pranksters was fun. It was more about the topic than h3h3. Now he has to produce something to keep getting that YouTube money

he's a better guitarist than Rob, but Rob owns the video equipment and his name is on the guitar line, so Rob takes the spotlight as much as he wants.

shame, too, because the guitars seem to apparenty be decent quality for the price.

Rob Chapman is a tool. He loves to show off how "good" of a guitarist he is by playing the same old pentatonic scales over and over again. Also, Chapman Guitars are utter shit. I owned a ghost fret and it was lower quality and more shoddily built than the chinese epiphone LP I have, and that's a $650 price difference.

fred and pewdiepie

Future fuhrer of the 4th reich.

Well we aren't talking about anything deep so of course this is a shallow conversation

Nice bait faggot

Currently hearing his vids podcast style.

Watched this nigga a little bit after he started playing the Binding of Isaac, was there in the infamous ''career suicide'' comment, good times.

this picture gives me goosebumps!

Gotta love Glenn. Finally someone who shames the shitty "musicians" who pick up instruments with the sole purpose of looking cool/fucking chicks.

more dunkey

I miss sips and sjin together tho