Soft rekt

soft rekt
"owning", if you will

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I cannot contribute anything, but this is a good thread.

>Kitty's got claws
Got I want to hate fuck/rape whomstever this is

Haha, little bitch. Kitty got claws.



you know, i get this guy is a betafag, but the fact that the girl immediately insists he wants her because shes a "geek pixie girl" is a problem too. she knows she gives off that vibe because the beta culture LIKES it, and probably uses it to purposely tell lower guys off to boost self-esteem. kinda odd.

Really? You guys must be betta fedora tippers too. She's right, you know, and if you can't handle that, it's probably because you identify with the guy. Kek.

inb4 kys.

i WISH i wore trilbys man.

I like that he can throw her entire body weight better than she can toss a small metal death ball.

>the guy is beta as fuck, ffs he uses a fedora, stereotypical
>the girl is a bitch, will 100% live off another guy's money

These aren't "Owning" there has to be some kind of contest...



starting off, it's most likely fake
and because it was made in the first place, fakely, it was made by a dude
and all dudes realize that that their "manic pixie dream girl" (not his term by the way, taken from American Dad) is unobtainable
the idea is that white knights are into any girl that gives them the time of day because they're desperate for LOVE. Not always seeking sex, but girls who are into their interests, so they're compatible

I did the same thing when I was a kid. I was 6 I think?
Arguing and crying at mom, she had just slapped my shit up. Scream at her and turn away quickly to run. Slam into door. Nearly knocked myself out and she laughed hysterically while getting her slipper off.

Good times.

What do you mean you wish? You want to wear something on your head, do it. It's your head. I'm allowed to judge you for it, but you're allowed to wear it. How beta do you have to be to wish you wore wana-be fedoras?

Uh, manic pixie dream girl is not taken from American Dad. It's an old film theory word coined in the 80s I think.



Both sides of this are equally cringy.

>kid is dead now

as soft wrecked as i can imagine



fuck filesize limit



Sup Forums is slowly getting dumbed down
soon nobody will be able to Sup Forumsrowse anymore

A lady took a selfie. Later that day, a metal panel was dropped on her head, rendering her unconscious.





That was a piece of drywall.


I have an entire folder of 443 rekt vids from Sup Forums, but I can't post most of them because of this faggotous limitation...



Shit got fucking real.


Jesus christ kid. He probably felt suicidal at that very moment.

If i saw this I'd smack those niglets so fucking hard they'd wind up back in their mothers fatass womb. I don't give a fuck if I'd be charged.

good to see white males die

I'm glad she showed it and wasn't embarassed. Everybody would understand, except people who know that "pony tail holders" are $1.50 for 20

Looks like it actually landed on the other side of the sandbag?

I want more......

All this from a little peck? What an overreacting bitch.




Who does this it's not a fucking bicycle

HAHAHAHAHA, a new meaning to the term dog mace.


Fucking checked

what the actual fuck

So fucking awesome....stupid fat burger

The story is, she wasn't ready for her first kiss.
blame everything that told her it was to be special. poor guy


Very angery





likewise. Shit day. everything wrong. scream at mom then run to the bedroom to throw myself on the bed. sibling's laughter follows me down the hall. Hit wall, spin in a fury, run again, dive onto bed, forgetting balsa model airplane dead grandfather had built for me by hand was still there because I'd dusted earlier.

Anyone got the webm of the pajeet with the motorcycle spraying the water at the passing train?

that should be good for a new years of workmans comp

I love this one. Always laugh

I really hope that pause at the end was him pondering his life



give me the Kill yourself you autistic fuck


Could you upload it??

That's a lil bubba, you can tell by the short hair and camo everything, and the flip-flops (gotta have those). The ham-beast mom is some where in the store, and sent lil bubba out so she can see if she fits into any of the XXXL clothing.

I know, I'm a 'Merican from the south. 00

You're only entitled to respond like that after you've categorically said "Thanks, but not interested."

IF the idiot keeps pestering you, then you'd be justified.

The guy is obviously beta as fuck, and cringy as hell, but girl shouldn't act like she's any better, or would act any differently if she encountered a guy she liked a lot.

Hope the cunt got saddled with a kid and the father bailed on her, she doesn't deserve any better.

Probably not real but it hurts to watch


No you wouldn't. You wouldn't do a damn thing mr. keyboard warrior.

why was this deleted? it's soft rekt
and this one

oh, the guy who posed these deleted ones got banned. poor guy

Who does that to their fucking bicycle? Got a kickstand? Use it. Don't? Lean it on a wall. Take care of your shit, even if it isn't expensive.

Actually lol'd.

It's gone now. What was it?

Top kek

jealous shitskin detected

what he gets for trying to post CP

Yes I would. You don't know me. You don't know what I'm capable of. *teleports behind you* nothing personal, kid.



maddy ziegler is gross


I would do the same thing to this idiot. He don't know nothing about dogs.

That's definitely Photoshop

the fuck are you stupid
use logic u dumb fuck
whos to blame for all our wars and all our problems in the US. its men, white men. fuck them. FUCK THEM AND FUCK TRUMP