Ask a gang member that the chicago police are too afraid to arrest anything

Ask a gang member that the chicago police are too afraid to arrest anything

W-where are you, f-fucker?

Why do you all have cerebral palsy? Do you know that shit you do with your hands makes you look like you have cerebral palsy? Do you know everyone laughs at you?

Have you ever thought about not being such an ignorant cunt and maybe answering some fucking questions?

They wont laugh when i send my boys to shut them the fuck up, thats for sure.

What are you talking about. Thats what im doing rn nigga

Do you do anything to help your community or are you some gang banger that will just "disappear" one day? Also how's it feel knowing the God King will destroy you and all your gang degenerates?

they are not afraid
just waiting to drag you'r ass

Do you always rely on "your boys" to fight your battles for you?

Why are you and "your boys" so insecure that you must hurt people for making fun of you?

Why not just behave like a man?

Fuck my community. All it is iz a bunch of niggers tbh. I aint goin nowhere tho tbh. Police help me do my thing so as long as that stays here in chiraq then thats what keeps me here

Naw nigga they afraid. Ever since they were investigated by the feds, all ive had to do pretty much is play the race card and they let me go no matter how much dope im carrying. These faggots are literally scared shitless

Why are you johnny depp?

Why behave like a man and fight your own battles when you can take advantage of the system by playing the race card and instantly having them on their knees for you. Think about it

Johnny depp is me tho

HAHA fucking feds
good luck bro

Only pussys use the race card you're no gangster just a wimp

Why are you LARPing as a nigger on an anonymous image board?

Why are you such a colossal faggot?

post some pix of your victims and of your stash brah

What is the most amount of dicks you yourself have taken up your faggot nigger ass?

who are your opps?

There's not much thought that went into your reply. You literally sound like less than a manchild. A man wouldn't play any kind of race cards. The o Lynn cards they would play is being responsible for themselves.

Everything you just said reminds me of an under developed and uneducated mind.

Have you finished highschool?
Do you ever want to grow up?

>too afraid to come arrest
you're hiding like a roach in the hood.
>send my boys to shut them up
you're not all that tough then?

>this entire post
caps and punctuation.


so how does it feel to suck and fuck bbc all day?

Relying on your skin color and heritage to solve your little problems is a total copout. That only shows how weak you really are. Think about it.

Do you spit or swallow?


well this hard thug OG niggardly nigger just pussied out of his own thread

nice, nice...

what gang?

how does it feel, knowing that you'll never amount to anything and will most likely die after being gang raped in prison?

Bullshit. They would have thrown your ass into Logan St. if you actually were a gang kingpin in real life.


Good luck with what?

Wtf did you just say nigga? Come and say it to my face, i bet you cant. Ill have my boys come and beatcho ass nigga like i swear to fuckin god
Fuckin pop one in yo fat neckbeard then piss on yo grave while youe crying mother licks my asshole

Im not larping, im just letting all yall faggots get the chance to wish you was me rn

You wont be calling me a faggot when i send my police friends after you

No victims but of my stache

Thats actually a question fo yo momma

Naw nigga you just dont get it do you. When police spread their asshole for you, you fuck them hard

Nigga you wouldnt be talkin of you wus here rn

Again, thats a question fo yo motha

What your mom asked me last night lol

Nigga im rite here

Do you pitch or catch when you're 'working'?

Nigga i own that shit. Df you talkin bout?

>Again, thats a question fo yo motha
tough ass faggot best you can do is a kinder grade comeback, yeah ur so bad ass. ffs

His mom asked you if you spit or swallow? Did she cuck you op?

stop shitposting and get back to making some how to videos, frank.

>No victims but of my stache

stash, as in your pile of loot you idiot

Not stache. You been hanging around niggers too much. Also why do you look like a posing faggot?

nah. i wouldn't be talking to a fucking loser.
go get a god damned job, quit thinking being a degenerate piece of shit is cool.
no one cares about your pink or green or what ever gang color underwear you have.
stop jacking off to anime.
quit LARPing on Sup Forums. it's pathetic.
lastly, you should probably try to impress women... maybe get a tattoo on your dick of a bigger dick, you tiny dick faggot.

Why do you feel the need to lie on the internet?

OP: Not man enough to fight face to face. Gotta send his 'boys.' Assuming OP isn't some kid, which I won't believe unless he posts tatts with timestamp, the cops don't see you as a high enough value target to care about. I can see why. Only position OP has in a gang is 'prag.'

Nigga i know you aint talkin with yo bitch ass sayin it to my fuckin face, boy i arrest you and make you beg like a little bitch

Naw but she cucked you

Lol naw bitch i aint funna

The fuck you just say to me nigga, i have the 5O in front of your house in a heartbeat

Lol you keep saying that but when you in my face with yo ugly mothafukkin ass you aint funna put yo money wherecho mouth is bitch

Lie? Nigga come on down to the cut, ill rock your shit rn motherfuca

What the fuck is bloob

OP, Al Capone wouldn't have found you 'gangsta' enough to bother cutting your face off to wipe his ass with.

Its a moop,but only on Wednesdays

ax a real OG anythang

pic reladed: iz me tryna look hard

dont try to look hard like that at INS or ICE.

Nigga you stupid a stupid bitch. U gonna get caught slipping play in the race card every time. Real nigga don't get caught they pay their fees.

also i can see the line in your hair where your fedora was. you must be with the south side black hats huehuehuehue

>Nigga i know you aint talkin with yo bitch ass sayin it to my fuckin face, boy i arrest you and make you beg like a little bitch
anytime skippy, but when I'm done you won't be able to beg, nor will any of your friends.

Johnny Depp?

that was my first thought as well!

Chicago fag here, OP is fake and gay.


Im actually CPD. Out the 18th.

6 years worked the beat 2 years a detective.