Now taking bets on how many days Trump has left in office

Now taking bets on how many days Trump has left in office.

Trump is trying to make Flynn his scapegoat, but it won't work. This shit's spiraling out of control. It won't be long before Trump himself is implicated.

Other urls found in this thread:

People have been predicting Trump's downfall since very early in the primaries.

7 years

Dont dehydrate yourself from crying too much lil cuck

I give him 6 months tops

do really believe he'll still be alive in 7 years?

let alone still president


If libtards kill him then theyre stuck with someone even worse to them. Will make nice fag bbq



He might not get impeached until 2018 when the Congress turns on him (always does during mid-terms).

He might die on his own; heart attack while balls deep in an underage loli.

And if republitards kill him they win. Who's going to make it go down?

Yes, I voted for him and you bet your ass I still support him. The man is a gift from God. He's keeping his promises and doing what is best for this country. You can think we're a joke, those who supported him, but in case you haven't figured it out we jokes hold the power in this country. We put him in the White House to do exactly what he's now doing. You can kick and scream and piss yourself laughing like a toddler all you want, but the adults took this country back this election and President Trump is making US proud. America is greater at this moment than it's been in a very long time. Just because you see the appearance of a farce in your simplistic little mind doesn't mean he's not doing a damn fine job. Every leader of every other country and every citizen of every foreign land--they can all think we're a joke, it doesn't matter. President Trump is doing what's best for America and we are getting stronger because of it. Trust me kid, you'll see, very soon.

Still projecting this hard.

Keep it up and we will petition to remove the limits on terms in office.

How about another 16 years of your emperor in chief?

>Pence is worse tho
No, user. I'll take a religious zealot over an unhinged egomaniacal narcissistic moron any day.

Worked for Hillary.

>I'll take a religious zealot
Then by all means, feel free to move to Saudi Arabia



I give him until at least January 20th, 2021.

I could see both houses of a majority-Republican Congress getting it through, but three-fourths of state legislatures? Not happening.


Obviously neither is ideal. Just saying, given the two choices, I'll take Pence.

LOL get used to it you butthurt libtards Trump won...He's basically saved us from Hillary and her NWO cronies. If you cant see how much of a criminal she was then you're retarded.

think about what they all say....user.


no u

Not buying it. Try harder shill.

If the "facts" are made are made up by fake news like CNN and huff post then it TOTALLY ok to dissagree

Keep crying niggers. We don't care.

how dare you!


Around 2900 days


>This shit's spiraling out of control. It won't be long before Trump himself is implicated.
There's so much going on today it's hard to keep up.
Repubs are calling for investigations!


Lol, you're dumber than you think.

Why do you faggots think Trump is the antithesis of corruption and the new world order? He's literally just as corrupt as Hillary is, just give him a chance.

>fake news

am I?

Riiiight trump voters are stupid not the cucks who were voting for a known criminal and traitor..Sure bud XD

>poor old man came sailing through
>cause we say so
>cause we know so

Oh fuck off, he's had his chance and he's fucked it


Can someone explain what's going on?
I stopped reading the news and giving a shit a while ago. Can you blame me? Reading the news in 2017 is like reading one of many schizophrenic's wildly different interpretations of reality.

>Sure bud

Are you Canadian? Wanna take'r for a rip there, bud?

you are going to regret that in 8 years when DJTtrump is looked back upon as the greatest president in the history of our great nation

Even McConnell is calling for an investigation today.

Flynn was smart to get out while he still can. If he's smart, he's on a one-way trip to Moscow right now. Many heads will roll before this is all over.

>a known criminal and traitor

Don't hold your breath OP. This nation was stupid enough to vote for him, and the EC was corrupt enough to confirm. You're stuck with this sack of shit for _at least_ four more years, and a very real possibility of eight.

Me, I can't fucking take this nation seriously anymore, so after Trump gets his four/eight years of assrape in I'm nominating my Boston Terrier for President.



lol comparing a billionaires tax evasion to a treasonous woman tied to , 40 suspicious deaths and intimidation of sexual assault victims

fuckin checked

top kek

Had his chance to do what exactly? Be corrupt? Are you saying that Trump isn't planning to line his pockets with tax payers money and use his presidency to make policies that will make him and his cronies filthy fucking rich? Naming the most corrupt CEOs as his judiciary's (whatever the term is) or whatever? You're an idiot.

enough is enough! If you post one more bad thing about Trump I will never come to Sup Forums ever again!

Thats a beautiful painting was it purchased with the money Hillary got after selling uranium to the Russians? : D

bye faggot

The only reason he won is because people are sick of two dickhead parties nominating the same establishment shills every 4 years, and then having the audacity to say the people have any choice in it. Trump could have been anyone. People want a fundamental change in this stale Bureaucracy, and they see Trump as being that.

>billionaires tax evasion

First off, I hate Hilary, she should never have been in. Secondly, same goes for Trump. How dumb are you Americucks??? You really want some dishonest, pathological lying, racist fear monger to be running your country. Again, not supporting Shillary, but shit. Shame on all of you, for being so blatantly ignorant and retarded.

It's only Week 3 and already Mitch McConnell is calling for a Senate Inquest...

Nope, if anything he has 2 at most. 2018 elections will swing to the Left biggly and once they control House and Senate, say hello to Impeachment proceedings starting immediately after the elections. No fucking way he will hold all the current Trump Humpers till then. He already is losing some that voted for and supported him. That is if he even makes it to 2018. Either legally or illegally by some nutjob sjw. Something will probably get the ball rolling sooner.

Now you have the nerve to question my sexuality!? You are really just a jerk!

Trump's NSA pick fucked up big time and has since been dismissed by The Donald himself. There is a gathering storm in Congress from those now wondering if Trump actually is a patsy for the Russian Federation.

Normally The Donald would be able to shrug this off, but the accusations that he is under the sway of the Kremlin have not been given sufficient time to die down, resulting in dangerous negative synergy between the two scandals.

>let's vote for the lesser of the two criminals

What's sad is it came down to those two flunkies in the primaries. America is dead.

all i see are assumptions
stop thinking your a political specialists

No, that's not what I'm saying. I misunderstood the context of your post, apologies.


>The Uranium One deal was not Clinton’s to veto or approve
Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating the transaction for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself “never intervened” in committee matters.

Honestly, the fact that he never put his assets into a blind trust, or something along those lines has been what bothered me the most.


LOL how is wanting safer borders and vetting for muslims migrants racist?...Like always crybaby libtards.

Source or GTFO.
You could call Trump a lot of things and be justified in doing so, but you're addicted to the MSM's koolaid if you think "racist" is one of them.

It's crazy how because people really like Donald and their party their willing to look past his sketchy connections to Putin/Russia.

This was Donald Trump's hand picked #1 choice and after 3 weeks he's fired for not being able to trust him anymore. Sure, whatever Donald.

He will stay. Republicans have control of the senate and since the senate votes on impeachment, they're going to vote for trump to stay

Man, he had everything and still wasn't content. He's going to regret becoming President soon, and then realise his life was perfect.

How it must suck to be an American't

>be overweight
>have so many freedoms don't know what to do with them all
>has a brilliant idea
>uses freedoms in a way to fuck the .gov in an unprecedented way
>votes for Trump
>America is now died

It could be damage control.
I don't trust that fucking turtle.

Let's see how impartial it turns out.


And that is different than any other president how? You sound like an old Teddy hater. I can always find the childish idiot s by how they want to persecute people for what they MIGHT do while ignoring what their favorite pet politicians HAVE DONE.

Yes, I voted for him and you bet your ass I still support him. The man is a gift from God. He's keeping his promises and doing what is best for this country. You can think we're a joke, those who supported him, but in case you haven't figured it out we jokes hold the power in this country. We put him in the White House to do exactly what he's now doing. You can kick and scream and piss yourself laughing like a toddler all you want, but the adults took this country back this election and President Trump is making US proud. America is greater at this moment than it's been in a very long time. Just because you see the appearance of a farce in your simplistic little mind doesn't mean he's not doing a damn fine job. Every leader of every other country and every citizen of every foreign land--they can all think we're a joke, it doesn't matter. President Trump is doing what's best for America and we are getting stronger because of it. Trust me kid, you'll see, very soon.

He's a cool guy?

Top kek.
I'm not the guy you replied to, nor do I give a shit what you're talking about, but Snopes isn't an authority on anything, sheep.


Nah, I'm looking at how the Democrats are reacting, and it is not encouraging. Have you seen their House Minority Leader pick? Chuck Schumer (he who drips schmooze from each syllable) as Minority leader should tell you everything.

If they were smart they'd go with Warren in 2020, but they're not going to.

What you are observing is a fundamental flaw in the system. All "winner-takes-all" and "first-past-the-post" systems inevitably devolve into two-party states.

Proportional representation via a Constitutional Amendment would've fixed that, not voting an orange dickhead into office.

A number of Senate Republicans will jump ship and vote to impeach him if something really damning comes out. They'd be happy to put Mike Pence in charge.

Personally I hope that doesn't happen. America deserves to suffer for four solid years under the "leadership" of this clown

He should be banning ALL middle eastern countries, not just some. Ban Mexico till they get their shit together too. They should ban Mexico, or tell them to build the wall. Fuck illegals.

You're now assuming I like Roosevelt? Wtf is this haha?

>Pot meet kettle

And just what the fuck do you think you are doing?

>The Uranium One deal was not Clinton’s to veto or approve

Neither was lybia but then again when do criminals care about rules XD

Go back to school and learn how to use a fucking keyboard moron.

oh yeah, that guy that renounced the Klan in the 1950's. I 'member

You can't blame people for dismissing talk of a Russian connection. All the "russian hack" bullshit the MSM was spewing in an attempt to backpedal and save their dwindling reputation was nothing but intentionally misleading. If Trump really is in kahoots with Putin, the liberals have completely shot themselves in the foot by treating the average American as a slave to their narrative. They deserve what they get.

If you don't believe it, its not real

If you didn't see that little hustle and dodge coming from a mile away, you are certifiably retarded.

Hmm I could say four years, but what the hell double or nothing am I right?

Yeah Trumps the clown,sure...

Even the Director of the Secret Service was tired tired of Trump's shit. He just quit today.

Trump's losing allies left and right. How much longer til Putin decides to throw him under the bus?


trump supported killing Gaddafi...until he started lying about it

>isn't smart enough to formulate a response using the subject matter
>resorts to commenting on how one types words

Fuck off, cunt.