Why don't you speak God's language yet, Sup Forums

Why don't you speak God's language yet, Sup Forums

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its like 10% arab, literally cucked language

Catholics are false Christians.
Greeks was one of the languages in which the bible was written.

What's wrong with arabs?

nadie quiere hablar una lengua muy asquerosa como la tuya

eh pero qué rudeza


also, his language is guaraní, that's not god's language.

Guarameme is esperanto-tier artificial by this point.

>Jesuit priest Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, who in 1639 published the first written grammar of Guarani in a book called Tesoro de la lengua guaraní (Treasure of the Guarani Language), described it as a language "so copious and elegant that it can compete with the most famous [of languages]".

>he says in God's actual langauge

I am not Greek

jk bb
this case isnt like apples and oranges

That's why you will rot in hell.

Vosotros no hablabais guaraní?

con permiso padre perdon me no hablo espanol

does anyone not speak shit tier Spanish?

lisp faggotry

literally not Spanish

literally not Spanish

Dirty Spanish


sí, pero estaba quoteando a Carlos V
>"I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse."
qué gracia tiene un chiste si hay que explicarlo?

Acá somos todos bilingües, supongo que la mayoría de los catalanes y vascos también.
>que gracía tiene un chiste si hay que explicarlo
Ko'a la che kavaju.



when are you gonna say aluminum right?

do I need to elaborate why?







daily reminder latin america = 0% white
argentinians aren't white
t. knower


there is no one in paraguay that is 80% white.

Latin America has no reason to be white, it is assimilated native Americans, Latin America = Native American societies.

no one on earth is 80 (EIGHTY) % white. your flagmates are stupid who can't into math



shut up sudaca.

I'm learning it, but the more useful new world version.


God's language?


>misusing memes
your banter lacks polishment. lurk harder

how the fuck am I supposed to know when to say Estar, Ser, or Tener

Why do you have to use 3 different words to express possession or states of being


>how the fuck am I supposed to know when to say Estar, Ser, or Tener
Practice, probably.

because they're different things, why use the same word for different things?


to stay/to feel

to be

to have

I know the definitions

but I keep getting them confused. Like when talking about weather

Temporary states of being.

permanent states of being

You're temporarily sad.
You're forever a person.

to be unlucky = tener suerte
you just posssess bad luck, you're not defined by it
to be sad = estar triste
you are just in a state of sadness currently, you're not defined by it
to be pathetic = ser patético
you are defined by being an unlucky sad pathetic sod. "ser" is about the essence of being, but "to be" is used for too many things


Can i save this pls fo a friend
tengo calor
sed etc... physical
estoy triste está nublado, está sexy(verse can be used) estoy en chicago conditional changes and location
eres tonto, son feas etc discriptions of key characteristics...and sometimes like an event somewhere can use ser
sorry im lazy like other dude say practice and speaking with natives

That percentage is false, but every language has arabic words anyway, like alcohol or coffee.

>Why don't you speak God's language yet, Sup Forums

I am trying.

yes, but you have to pay copyright and give me credit

>10% arab
>lisp meme
do you pronounce zebra as sebra ?
the only reason Latin Americans say we have a lisp is because 99% of them have this
es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seseo (pronunce zebra or zero as sebra/sero)

Paraguay was known as the Mohametan heaven by Spaniards as any Spaniard had at least 5 different concubines. Some Spaniards managed to have 70 concubines. All the native men in Paraguay got cucked pretty hard

Why the fuck does English not make those distinctions?

Por qué todavía no hablan el idioma de los 12 dioses, hispanofonos?


ya lo aprendí, no hay excusas ))

Río Platense spanish from Argentina and Uruguay is literally the only decent one tbqh

You mean the language of the construction workers and cheap vacation

>"Why don't you speak spanish, user?"
>"Knowing spanish is really useful, especially if you live in the Southern US or ever want to go to South America" (I do want to see a few places there)
>"Spanish has about the same if not more speakers than english!"

>Considering learning spanish
>Start browsing Sup Forums

>"[South American country] doesn't speak real spanish!"
>"Every hispanic country has a different word for word X."
>"Oh, you want to talk to spanish speakers here on int? AHAHA YOU ARE A CHICANO."

Explain this shit, all of you spanish speakers. I want to visit some of your countries, spend my ameribuxx, and leave. I'm not a chicano or even part hispanic, but it's apparently so wrong/bad that I have interest in spanish speaking places

its the language of the people that discovered almost a whole hemisphere
Spanish as a language itself is a treasure, almost as much as all the history and monuments in Spain itself.
Besides that, we have one of the most effective police forces in the world, capturing around 17 terrorists before they could act in 2016 while the rest of europe only got 2.
Funnily enough, they used to joke around saying the spaniards couldn't handle their internal terrorits (ETA group) because they were busy doing siesta, but the truth is the police force got a lot of experience and practically destroyed the terrorist group.

VERY rude

>"Every hispanic country has a different word for word X."
every country will understand you no matter what variant of X word you say, unless its something extremelly specific
also don't let the memes get to you

Estoy estudianto Español, utilizando Duolingo y tambien con peliculas y musica española

>"Every hispanic country has a different word for word X."
obligatory video reply: youtube.com/watch?v=4LjDe4sLER0

Te recomiendo la película "Airbag"

But I do.

I already speak english.

Mexico and Colombia make the rules about Spanish nowadays. Spaniards can rage all they want but they have become simply irrelevant. It's not their language anymore.


It is called CASTILLIAN

Every serious Spanish school will teach you a standardized Spanish that everybody and their dog will understand. It's when you stay in the places you visit that you will learn their different meme-vocabularies.

>speaking the language of modern day slaves

gardeners, kitchen workers and maids unite

Gracias hermano, voy a ver. Tienes otros propociones?

>Mexico and Colombia make the rules about Spanish nowadays

proposiciones* does not mean what you meant to say
it's propuestas
watch this movie, is the bestest youtube.com/watch?v=lLJ6EK6lu9A


Lo apriendo. Me puedo leer español mejor que hablar, pero creo que hablaré como un nativo en unos años.

>Letting chicano-shamers affect you
You aren't gonna make it brah

Perú will try their best!

In my opinion, the further apart you get from us in the Spanish language the better, eventually you should call it Mexican/Colombian/whatever. If possible, you should abandon Spanish altogether and speak in Nahuatl or English.

I honestly don't want to share any kind of cultural or linguistic sphere with you or your kind.

And it is terrible to hear the constant nagging of millions of latinos in youtube, plebbit, Sup Forums or whatever other corner of the internet saying how their particular dialect is better than the rest and, of course, smearing Spain and Spaniards at every opportunity, bonus points if they do it pretending they are not butthurt chicanos or latinos.
Few days ago they undercovered a mass grave in Mexico of more than 200 people murdered by the cartels, one of the most voted (and downvoted) messages was of one particular chicano saying, unironically, "How Spaniards are to blame for the situation in Mexico".

It is tiresome.

The more I know the average "Hispanic"-American, the more I despise all of you with increasing fervor.

What do we even have in common? What do we gain in this relationship?

The biggest ever tragedy of modern Spain is being associated with you by all this ties of the past, it is a constant smear by itself.

sorry but I'm on Spain's side this time

>Mexico, Colombia
Pick one

This is correct. The nigger you replied to is ignorant.

I already speak French

You THINK you speak French, anyway...

He didn't say Mohamed's language

God's language is old hebrew, or aramaic, you heathen, not this romance pussy shit.

no we pronounce it as zebra. not thebra

>uses "th", a letter combination that is used by no other language and would be read as t'
>actually used to have a proper letter for this sound, þ, but got cucked by Normans


just plain horrible


I sink not

90% of its speakers are non-White, non-Europeans. No thanks.

You already share a language with 130 million Poos, 90 million Pinoys and 80 million Nigerians so I wouldn't say you're in good company yourself

Ma la parlo

Perhaps. But Spanish will now always be associated with illegal immigrants and low wage day laborers.
And Spain hasn't done anything significant in the world for centuries.

I say this as someone with Spanish ancestry..

>Los Estados Latinos de América
Seems like you are forgetting about your non-white """""minorities""""", maybe you didn't get shot enough...

What's the deal with 'coger'?
Is it really bad in some countries?

>Mexico and Colombia make the rules about Spanish
