Why does Sup Forums despise qt fat girls?

why does Sup Forums despise qt fat girls?

That girl is not qt.

It's fucking disgusting

pick one

That's a stack of lard with a head on it. She ain't even cute. I just farted, and I'm imagining that's what she smells like

She's sexy af

Also some gimme sauce pls

i'm sure she would provide plenty of sauce of her own

I love fat girls. Great receptacles for semen. They`ll suck your dick with the fury of a large mcflurry.

No, she would just eat it all.

There are qt fat girls out there, but this isn't one of them.

I dont, I stick my dick in them

Not possible

bump, holy shit the amount of salt in here is astronomical

>the amount of salt in here is astronomical

it's actually fat girl sweat

Because obesity is a health concern and it's objectively disgusting

>plus it shows that you don't care for your appearance

Fats need to be erased from the planet. If I was the king of this world every year I would make every person jog on a treadmill going 8 miles per hour for 5 minutes. At the backend of the treadmill there would be just a giant meat grinder. Shouldn't be hard for those worthy to live

How does this chick wipe herself after shitting and not smell like shit?

>she'll never see that butterfly

Hamsuperclusters usually have caretakers that give them spongebaths.

Nothing turns me off faster than having to dig to what I want to touch

>qt fat girls
That's an oxymoron

Necrophiliacs have it the other way around.

Make it 10min.

Well played lol

this is the only fatty i fap to

That was my original idea. I like it. Our society would quickly resemble that of ancient Sparta

Dude if you want to kill yourself go ahead, you dont have to make all these elaborate plans

What about paralyzed people?

I've yet to be attracted to a fat girl in my almost 30 years of being alive. I'm been disgusted many, many times. But attracted? Negative. Repulsed, even! Absolutely repulsed. Certainly not attracted.

Dude I'm fit but suck at cardio.

Would die after 10 minutes. I should quit smoking.

I would run it to. No problem. But all that fats and old sick leeches need to be gone. Better get your hand out of those cheetos and get a gym membership if you want to survive xoxoxo

Well a wheelchair would remain stationary while the wheels roll, so I guess they're immune.

>until you push them

Depends. If you break a leg or are temporarily sick then you get a pass. As for veggie they must contribute something instead to avoid the grinder

I suck as well. But five minutes at 8 mph can be done by most anyone. If you can't do it now 3 weeks of training and you could unless you are a cow

I'd manage that. Cardio makes me feel sick.

I feel tar bubbling, like black wings, fluttering in my chest.

>fully aware that it's not the cardio that does it.

You should see a doctor

I should quit cancer sticks.

if I can jam my dick into my fist to make myself cum, I can jam it into one of these hambeasts too. i'm just trying to blow a load, but i'm not attracted to them.

Good thing I'm a footfag. Would not approach them folds.

ARRRR! She be a whale, but the hour be late and her blowhole be wet!


Everything about this post is true. I imagine they smell like farts because 1. fat people fart and burp and have gas more than your average person and also sweat a lot more and 2. fat people can't properly wash, especially under their folds. I've met an obese chick who was completely in denial that she was fat so she wouldn't wash underneath her fucking fat flaps and also couldn't reach many places while bathing from what I was told. How the fuck are you going to deny that you're a god damn tub of lard if it's obvious to everyone? I've never understood it.


Go to sleep Manny