Need help with any essay

Need help with any essay

Should Frankenstein's creature be labeled a monster? I just need points to argue over a couple of paragraphs, I dont think I have enough to complete the required amount.

someone please help

It was kind at the beginning of its creation, but upon rejection by the family at the cottage, became evil and wretched. Keep in mind it was not violent to everyone, only the people whom Victor Frankenstein cared about. The monster wanted to hurt Victor and exact revenge upon his creator.

Is that enough or do you need more?

This is good, and you added a bit more to what I had, but I just feel like either argument isn't enough for the 800 word requirement.

So far what I'm going to touch on is how his appearance doesn't determine how he acts, and how his evil acts really revolved around one person. Is there anything else I could add?

If you want me to keep writing I'll write your whole essay for you my guy.

A monster is defined by one's actions.

His appearance is not really related much to the title of monster. I think the question is asking something more along the lines of who was the real monster, Victor or his creation?
> (OP)
>A monster is defined by one's actions.
This guy gets it.

You could talk about how his environment turned him into what he became
He could have been a nice guy if victor hadn't let him out like a dumbass and raised him like a child instead

Of course he is a monster.
Dude's made of dead body parts. He's basically a proto zombie. Real question should be do his action redeem his monstrosity.

People are monsters so obviously a creature created from the parts of many different monsters would still be just a monster.

Im aware, but honestly at this point I'm just trying to get anything down to make it long enough.

I also have to argue what he should be considered instead of a monster. I would argue he could still be considered human, since he somewhat has the appearance of one and definitely has the conscious of one

Argue about to *whom* he's considered a monster, if he's considered a monster at all. To the villagers he was considered a monster.

Definitely a human. Not much difference really. Feelings, naivety. Learning to eat, then later learning to be with others and being good. Then becoming bitter when you're hurt. Only in this case, he stayed bitter for a long time.

>define what it means to be a monster
>meets/does not meet this description (specify how)
>correctly/falsely labeled as a monster

There's nothing abiut jim that's monstrous besides his method of creation. Ugly humans exist, they're not monsters either. Monster to me implies something alienish, ghoulish in a sense. Not something human like with feelings and what not.

Meeting the word req just involves expanding on how he meets/doesn't meet the description of a monster

Right. The only reason I wanted to mention appearance was because at some points its why he's disliked by society. Also, the entire course revolves around what it means to be human, and I do believe appearing like one makes you human

I get it, i get it.

isn't this like grade 8

underage b&

When he framed Justine, did he know she was close to Victor? I can't remember much, but I think he framed her because he believed he would reject him like the rest?

Oh yeah, definitely. He was trying to bring ruin to victors life. Remember when he killed the boy william Frankenstein? Victor little brother? He didn't want to actually kill him, at least not until the boy revealed he was related to 'monsieur Frankenstein', upon which the monster said ' Frankenstein you belong then to my enemy, to whon i have sworn eternal revenge' and then he choked and killed him.

If you are going to argue if he is or isn't a monster...I'm my opinion it would be only logical to think about the distinctive features, physical description, maybe behavior patterns... like a biologist would. And then I would ask, how much of the criteria must be met for it to be a monster? One? 5out of 7. Atleast 90%? Or ...ALL? clearly separates a monster from other beings or creatures. Like with a bird... wings, (but not only birds have wings), ability to fly (so do airplanes) feathers, are the carnivores? What do they eat? Predatary? Then describe Frankenstein's monster and compare to your definition. You could ramble for 800 words with that, no?

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Okay well I feel like the thread will 404 at some point while I write the essay, so I really appreciate all the help you guys have given me.

Will do, thanks lads

No problem mate. Good luck with the studying. Keep working hard.