And Sup Forumsfags from Bond University on here?

And Sup Forumsfags from Bond University on here?

2015 or later?

Other urls found in this thread:

The name's Bond... Bond University.

Also, no sry, never heard of the place

Here's a song though:

Thnx for the bump tho

Wanna weed and chill?

What you study man? How long you been here?

I've been in and out for a few years. Couple of subjects here and there while working to put myself through. I decided this year to fuck it and get in on the dorm life. Shits cray cray m'man. Pussy to die for for even when your average looking af.

Then I got kicked out for weed. Now I rent a room in a small appartment off site. Free tonight to chill?

Can't tonight man

You know this chick by any chance?

Lol fuckin strange when the Gold Coast pops up on Sup Forums. Studied
Law there but graduated back in '12. Whaddup?

Don't think I've ever seen a Bond or GC thread before. Have there been many?

On the big bucks now with a law degree?

>Bond University

Thats the Aussie Ivy League right there

I don't even know if that's good or bad...

You are such a Bond Uni student

Isnt bond a bit shit? Whats it good for?

Pre-Mcdonalds grill cleaning degrees

Where have you heard that? Alot of people seem to do law here. But I'm not sure if it's actually a good uni for it


Is this where you learn to be a secret agent?

That's M16! Jeez...

Bond University was established and is named for one of the most corrupt businessmen that ever existed. Its a faggot low tier university that caters to low matriculation faggots and pumps out unemployable toss pots with weeties packet degrees. The only prestige degree they offer is law and good luck getting a decent job over a graduate of a proper university, head to head.

I'm enrolling currently.


What're you enrolling in man?

Sounds like a meme university

I might have fucked her.
Fuck, the thing is man, all the girls there are so easy. I actually started wearing condoms most nights in my second year because I had a few too many trips to the clinic from dirty girls there.

If she is who I'm thinking she is I think she is one I nutted in without a rubber. I tried for the ass but she didn't want that.

Say what you think her name is, and I'll tell you if you're right haha

What years have you been there?

some media bullshit fake degree 'cuz i fucked around in highschool

Who are some easy sluts from there?

Queens Lad?



Any Cindy Kovac?

Must be something of her

you guys produced Dr Death