Rate her out of 10?
Rate her out of 10?
6.5 maybe 7
10/10 but really I'm just saying that because she's thin and has a cutish face.
this looks shooped as fuck, but i am tripping on acid so can someone else confirm shooped/10??
Allow me to introduce you to Ted the Head. He is a sculpture modeled after my own head, and was one of my most challenging builds. I originally intended the head to be all yellow, but I ran out of yellow bricks. So I decided to make hair from black bricks! But then I ran out of those. Then I tried to make a hat with blue bricks, but ran out after the shade on the hat was made. After that I finally finished the hat with white bricks, and I also added a nice T decal on it. Hence the name, Ted the Head. His chin was a lot of trouble also. How do I make it the right size, but make it look like an actual human chin? It took me about two days to finish this model. A lot of people may think that is very short, but I did work long hours in order to get it done.
Cancer thread fuck off and die
Here is another photo of her