Can we get a feels thread going? I have a girlfriend...

Can we get a feels thread going? I have a girlfriend, but due to finance and such we live a couple cities apart and don't see eachother much. She has asoergers so at times she doesn't show any emotion. I love her, and she loves me but only at times do I get to enjoy that, or feel it.

I'm not looking for a pity party, only some solace in knowing that others might also feel like I feel. I love this place for that reason.

how did you meet? how old are you?

its not how this works, OP. you should try to answer

I got a phone call, I'm sorry. We met through video games, found out we were closeby and started hanging out sometimes irl when we had the ability to. It's been going on for about a year now.

oh boy, sounds just like me and my ex.
wanna hear why is she my ex, op?






>I have a girlfriend
And that's how you can tell this thread is going to suck.

Every fucking thread there's some faggot crying that he misses his girlfriend. Usually more than one.

Find a real reason to cry, you overly emotional moron.

I know right, fucking normalfags. You don't know real problems. How it is to live with highly developed social anxiety and learning to accept you will be forever alone.

I miss having feelings. Last to go was anger, now I'm just numb and don't really give a shit about anything.

I was lucky enough to accept my fate pretty early on. I have no idea why I still seek feels. Something along the lines of feeling human or some other poetic bs like that.

And we can't just deny people's feels, even if they're something as simple as girl problems.

But I'm glad someone else is going through the same stuff I was. Makes you feel like you're not alone. You know? Social anxiety is the cancer of the 21st century.

>your problems aren't real problems because other people have the same problems, and they involve women



try just living one day of my life without wanting to kill yourself. try living without any social environment whatsoever, with no support, with no social skills because nobody ever gave you the opportunity to properly learn these skills. try living in a world where nobody gives a shit about you or your opinion.

believe me, you don't know real problems. I wish I had your pathetic little normalfag "problems".

Sounds like you're placing your own failures on others bud.

I wish I wouldn't have met her just so that I wouldn't be feeling the loneliness that has always been there

What kind of failures are you talking about? Everyone is born with the same preconditions, it's the environment you grow up in that shapes you as a person and I happened to grow up in a very shitty one.

Since you're a normalfag you're in no position to criticise me anyway. You can't even nearly comprehend the scope of my difficulties. You don't even know how hard I've tried to connect with people for DECADES and how exhausted I was until I eventually gave up.

>lack of parenting isn't to blame
>emotional and physical childhood trauma isn't the problem
>autism isn't the problem
>all your problems are your own fault

Do you even understand humanity?

Women problems aren't problems. You have emotions. Consider yourself lucky.

I'm the opposite. The loneliness hurts more than it ever has before but I wouldn't give up the good memories for anything.

You're a fucking idiot.

You're acting like nobody on this site has ever experienced those problems other than you.

Stop acting like your problems are worse than anyone else's, and that nobody can know how you feel.

It's probably that idiotic mentality that makes it so hard for you to connect with people.

If you want to act like people's problems are invalid because they involve women, then your problems are invalid because you're acting like an emo fucking teenager with the mentality that nobody can comprehend your problems, that you're alone in the world and will never find anyone that can relate to you.

99.9% of this fucking site can probably relate to you.

You talk about having issues connecting with people, yet I'm sure you connect with plenty of anons on this site daily.

We're all fucked up in one way or another.

Quit thinking you're a special case.

It's not your fault.