

Come here, I wanna tell you a secret.

I'm the fairly-elected President of the United States and I basically run shit. There's nothing you can do about it and I'll likely serve 2 terms or more because the economy is under booming under my presidency.

That is all.

Other urls found in this thread:’s-firm-gave-him-huge-bonuses-and-paid-for-his-jet/ar-AAgWORF?li=BBnbfcN’t-pay-his-bills/ar-AAgR9h6?li=BBnb7Kz

>booming economy
>3 weeks of presidency

Preeeeeeeety sure mein furher has nothing to do with the economy right now, considering he hasn't been relevant long enough for it to affect anything.

>hasn't been relevant
>has run multiple multi-million dollar companies since the 80s
>hasn't been relevant

Do you know how stocks work? Speculation. Google the term then put on your big boy pants and come back.

>implying equivalency

Try harder fuckboi


>implying one insanely popular gentleman can't change the world

whoever made this macro is a huge idiot.

robert de niro is a HUGE liberal and exclusively only marries niggers.

look that shit up if you don't believe me.

>the economy is under booming under my presidency

OK, stupidity confirmed.
Anyways, some friendly advice- you might not want to base long term economic status based upon less than a month of statistics.

how long do you think he will last when he keeps being told "no"?

for the first time in his life he has to answer to other people, and serve them. I think he will crack up in about six weeks, if he isn't already being impeached by that time...

where are the tax returns donnie? all those overseas investments and russian dollars...

since this is his last yer in the office, i think the senate should refuse to confirm his appointments to the Supreme Court, or any other appointment... only fair...

This fag gets it. The stock market is up because they think he's going to loosen regulations and let them go fucking wild again, like before the bubble popped in '08.