Anxiety & social phobia

Anxiety & social phobia.

Any way to deal with this shit without drugs?

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I wish I knew

Yeah but I'm playing overwatch right now so give me some time

Meditation, breathing exercises, being outside. There's no cure but those can help.

get a job where you have people around you

ok thanks

Do the thing that will be most traumatic for you, like idk write a story of your pathetic life go to shop center and read it loud in front of many people. Something that will make you cry, hate yourself and after which you would like to kys. It should help you. You may die in a process, but if you endure humiliation, normal talking to other people wont be that scary anymore. Also record this, upload to youtube and post link.

Consider suicide

Therapy and meditation. Particularly a technique called "mindfulness." Search on YouTube to find videos.
